Marko doesn't regularly read my blog. He reads it a few times a month, which makes it very difficult for me to have a big moan about his as I never know when he will read it. NOT that I have anything to moan about, oh no! He is the PERFECT husband and not AT ALL a pain in the arse. (love you darling, mean it)
Anyhow, he read it the other day and came across the Nekkid post (about getting undressed in front of the open blinds) and said "I see most people agreed with me in the comments". I said "no way! Most people agreed with me!" It was so funny - I was totally convinced that most people sided with me and he was totally convinced most people sided with him. Just shows you, you see what you want to see. Unless you are my neighbour, in which case you apparently see all.
Poor Marko is sick. Well, the kids have been sick'ish (snotty)* and I just knew Marko would get sick too. Not meaning to point fingers, but one of us (him) always gets sick when the kids get sick and the other (me) has a MUCH stronger constitution. *cough*
Yesterday I went to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for some medicine for Man Flu. So he said "for what?" Man Flu, I said. "What's that?" It's when men get all sick and pathetic and act like they are dying. He thought it was hilarious. Although he did try and convince me that it was a real sickness once I explained what it was. As if, buddy! Now hand over that 'woe is me' medicine.
Of course Marko forgets to take the medicine to work today so I can just imagine how much whimpering and snivelling must be going on at work. Poor buggers.
It's Marko's birthday tomorrow. He is still not nearly 40! My little toyboy. I would bake a cake, but my mother borrowed my flour yesterday. She sent me this rather ungrateful text message a few hours later:
"Flour full of weevils. Expired 8/08"
Not sure what her point was? Told her to just pick them out.
*It is soooooo difficult to try prevent the kids from sharing their snot with Max. I don't want to get all paranoid and not let them close to him, but they keep wanting to smooch him with their snot infested little faces right on his. A sick, snotty baby is no fun. Actually, a sick snotty anything (husband/baby etc) is no fun.
Right, off to buy a homemade cake from the shop. Later dudes. xx
Happy Birthday for Marko for tomorrow,try Home Baked at the Red Cherry in Koeberg road her cakes are devine and very reasonable.Hope kids don't infect Max
Posted by: Deblet | 18 June 2009 at 11:02 AM
Weevils = extra protein. True.
Posted by: Veronica | 18 June 2009 at 12:07 PM
Actually, a little known symptom of Man Flu is that they are PERFECTLY FINE at work. In FACT, they will perform normally, not moan or cry or even tell people they are sick, but the very second they come home, they are unable to function. 'Tis true! My husband is a police officer and goes to work with Man Flu all the time. Fights crime, arrests bad guys, responds to emergency calls all day long, but when he gets home, he's so "sick", he can barely wipe his own bottom.
Further reason for me to have absolutely NO sympathy for the Man Flu.
As for the nekkid post, I wondered why there was no poll with that one... it would tell you definitively upon whose side everyone is! (Is it too late?)
Posted by: Emme Bea | 18 June 2009 at 01:34 PM
LOL, happy birthday to Marko!! Hope he at least feels better on his birthday, or else you're going to have to eat his cake ;)
Posted by: Jeanette | 18 June 2009 at 01:49 PM
Men are totally pitiful when they are sick. Hope Marko has a good birthday despite his Man Flu.
Posted by: Kristin | 18 June 2009 at 02:03 PM
Happy birthday to Marko! And I think you have many more things to do these days than bake a cake from scratch. A store bought cake is much more sensible.
Posted by: Heather | 18 June 2009 at 02:16 PM
"Man flu" is hilarious.
Happy birthday, Marko! Your gift is that yes, really, I do think more people agreed with you about the inadvisability of spousal near-window nekkidity.
I baked cookies with flour that expired in Feb '09. (No bugs!) It's a clear sign that one doesn't bake much when the flour package is half full but 100% expired.
Posted by: Orange | 18 June 2009 at 02:38 PM
you have a toy boy as a father only 19 years between
Posted by: pops | 18 June 2009 at 03:42 PM
Yup, these men have a talent for getting sick when everyone else in the family is sick. Maybe its sympathy sickness? Who knows. Who cares.
Something I am struggling with at the moment - just wanna put it out there: Does it make us bad mommies / wives to get someone else to bake the birthday cakes besides us? I feel like I will be letting them down if I don't do it myself. Something to blog about Tertia. Would love to hear thoughts
Posted by: Shannon | 18 June 2009 at 03:44 PM
Tertia, since you are in the midst of dealing with a sick husband, you might appreciate this video about the "man cold" :)
Posted by: Gaby | 18 June 2009 at 03:47 PM
So Tertia, did you ever expose who "A" and "B" were in reference to the nekkid situation(s)? If so, I missed it.
Posted by: Sharon | 18 June 2009 at 03:49 PM
At the risk of sounding ignorant...what is a weevil? And how does one tell if they have any? Am creeped out and going to check my flour, I didn't KNOW flour had an expiration date. I just used it the other day to make cookies. EW.
Posted by: Lisa | 18 June 2009 at 03:53 PM
'Man Flu'...hehehe...'woe is me' crack me up.
...didn't know flour expired...*scratching head*
Posted by: sheilah | 18 June 2009 at 03:56 PM
Man Flu! I love it! Although, my husband is more stoic than a cigar store Indian and refuses to complain when he gets the flu, or any other nasty condition. Some days I just want to stick pins in him to get a reaction! Of course I'll kiss it better afterward!
Posted by: Hanlie | 18 June 2009 at 04:17 PM
You go girl - that is why we have the great tradition of Tuisnywerheids.
Posted by: cat | 18 June 2009 at 04:17 PM
Have the kids confine their smooches to his feet or the top of his head. My older kids had the flu when my youngest was a newborn and it let them dote on her without sharing the germs.
Posted by: kim | 18 June 2009 at 04:49 PM
Man I know what my husband gets all the time. By the way, with two kids in preschool it is impossible to keep the rest from catching their bugs, I gave up even trying.
Posted by: Anna | 18 June 2009 at 04:52 PM
just do like russel crowe and choose the lesser of two weevils.
and just fyi. us guys really do get sick, even if you cackling hens don't believe us.
Posted by: RainbowW | 18 June 2009 at 05:05 PM
I love it! You cook so little that you have flour that expired last year.
Posted by: victoria | 18 June 2009 at 07:11 PM
I am so glad Gaby sent you that youtube link - it is the funniest ever. It's gone around our office so many times, that when one of the boys gets a bit whiny, we just say "Lauraaaaa, Lauraaaaaaa", and they shape right up.
Posted by: reb | 18 June 2009 at 07:31 PM
One more reason to like Marko......same birthday as me.
Posted by: Carol | 18 June 2009 at 09:02 PM
Happy Birthday Marko! Father of Tertia's beautiful babes.
Now excuse me as I check the due date on my flour. Could have sworn I bought it only 3 years or so ago... (really, home baking a rarity in this home!)
Posted by: Amy | 19 June 2009 at 06:44 AM
Oh my goodness, I read this yesterday without even realising but it just clicked: Marco and I share a birthday. Happy birthday Marco!!! Hope your Man Flu gets you breakfast in bed... uhm, ok I hope it's a breakfast take away from Woolies...
Posted by: Adi | 19 June 2009 at 09:22 AM
Oops, sorry, keep misspelling his name... MarKo I meant.
Posted by: Adi | 19 June 2009 at 09:24 AM
Love this post - you hit the nail right on the head about Man Flu! Happy b-day to your Gemini Man!
Posted by: Wobs | 19 June 2009 at 11:01 AM
If you only use your flour occasionally, keep it in the freezer. I do that with some of the specialty stuff, i.e. pastry flour for pies (usually made by my mother-in-law), rice flour for Christmas shortbread.
Posted by: mommo4.5 | 19 June 2009 at 06:11 PM
Sorry to Marko, but more people definitely were on the nudists side!!!!
Posted by: Rachel | 19 June 2009 at 11:00 PM