Hello all
I haven't done this in AGES! I have three fab give-aways for the local (South African) moms / moms to be. All 3 products made in South Africa.
Preggy Protector
The Preggy Protector® is South Africa's leading safety device that helps protect an unborn child while travelling in a motor vehicle.
There is an age old debated question, «Should a woman wear a seat belt while she is pregnant?» The answer is simple - Yes, in conjunction with the Preggy Protector®! Without a seat belt the pregnant woman could sustain even greater injuries or death therefore increasing danger to the unborn child.
The Preggy Protector® is a new product being launched by the company Life Box® targeting all pregnant women who travel in motor vehicles. The Preggy Protector® is a seat belt repositioning device and works in conjunction with the motor vehicles seat belt without affecting the safety use of it.
How it works
The Preggy Protector® works together with all motor vehicle seat belts by preventing the lap belt from riding up onto a woman's pregnant stomach. This will ensure the safety of the unborn child should sudden braking or a low speed collision occur. The Preggy Protector® is simple to install in any motor vehicle and is easily moved between seats.
For more info, and to submit your name for the free give-away, email Megan Green at [email protected]. For more info, check out the website www.preggyprotector.com
Then, the only shoes that my kids would wear as toddlers.....
Here in South Africa, our kids don't wear shoes the whole of summer. Not to school, not to the shop, and not even to church (ok, I am generalizing a tad here), but the bottom line is, our kids hardly ever wear shoes in summer. So when it comes to winter, they refuse to wear shoes unless the shoes are as close to barefoot as possible. Thank goodness for Shooshoos!
Manufacturered right here in SA and sold across the world, these shoes ROCK. Their winter range was released in stores this week and they are giving away a pair to my gorgeous and divine South African blog readers PLUS a pair of the cute soft sole shoes to a second reader.
In order to win a pair, please email Dave Lemkus at [email protected] with the size and colour you would like (sizes UK4 . UK5 , UK6 , UK7 – colours Rose , Denim , Sand and Grey)
For more info on the gorgeous shoes, check out www.shooshoos.com or check out your local baby store.
This definitive guide to the ups and downs of motherhood is guaranteed to offer insight and wisdom to new and experienced mothers alike.
Right from the opening pages, readers will be captivated by Lindy’s inspirational advice from her own personal experiences as she takes them through a journey of self-discovery.
No mother should be without a copy of this book, which is the ideal gift for moms-to-be, or a handy reference for busy mothers in need of upliftment and support.
For the gift that keeps on giving, order a copy of Motherhood and Me today and unleash your motherhood potential!
To win a copy of the book, please email Lindy at [email protected] For more information about Lindy's book, check out her website
Please note - entries close midnight Friday 24th April. Winners will be notified early the following week.
Good luck everyone, I hope you are one of the lucky ones who wins some of these cool give-aways!
Doncha have a "get out of NICU free card"?
Second best would be "a refreshing night's sleep card"
Third best "Get rid of that cold that will not go away free card".
I don't demand a lot!! ;-))
P.S. my kids have never gone out without shoes on, I still say loudly when I see anyone with no shoes on "Oh shame, they cannot afford shoes". (Especially grown ups - too yuck)!
Posted by: Coral | 21 April 2009 at 07:45 AM
aah - yummy! The only thing I like better than a bargain - is a freebie!!! Oh - please can I win some shooshoes!
Posted by: Kirsty | 21 April 2009 at 08:09 PM
I'm so with you on the no-shoes thing... we've just put my little one in shoes because of the whole winter thing - starting on a size 5 at age 1... seems his feet are firmly on the ground!
Thanks for arranging the giveaways/prizes!
Posted by: Kerry | 21 April 2009 at 10:34 PM