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There truly is nothing more eye-opening, for better or for worse, than becoming a mother.

I'm having so much fun watching this one travel the globe. I posted my own entry earlier and sent it spinning out into five farflung corners of the internet in exchange.

Holy crap, am I first? *grins maniacally and pats self on back*

Thanks for playing Tertia! What I've been noticing so far is that no matter what country people are from, no matter what culture they're raised in, there is a very common thread as far as what we all love about being mothers.

Now I'm going to go read the people you've tagged - the only downside to this project is that I keep finding more new people to add to my rss reader. I'm never going to get anything done at this rate!

that's super special!!!

What a beautiful post... and your children are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing...

Tertia, you should know that I rely on you for news of all things South African (kind of like how Americans get their news from The Daily Show). So I was really disappointed today to learn that YESTERDAY was National Cleavage Day in SA and your readers didn't know about it. I would have so loved to have dressed in solidarity with my South African sisters yesterday. Instead, I wore a turtleneck.
Please don't let us down next year, k?

Rock on!

You said it so perfectly, I don't think I could try to write my list of 5 things. Last word Tertia, over and out.

Sweetheart, Catherine is Canadian! Too tired to do a list for me...kids wore me out.

Hi took up the challenge and did my 5 reasons XDebbie

It was hard to limit it to just five. :-)

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