So here goes my contribution from Cape Town,
South Africa
1. First and
foremost, the thing I love most about being a mother is the opportunity to love
completely and unconditionally. Before I
had kids, people used to speak about this ‘unconditional love’ thing when
referring to children. I always thought they meant how much your children love
you – you know, unconditionally. They don’t see your flaws etc. But I was
wrong. What I didn’t realize is that being a mother (or a father), allows you
the honour and the privilege to love someone so utterly and completely, so
unconditionally. The love I feel for my
children is more powerful and heady than any drug I have ever taken. It is like
ecstasy on steroids. To be able to
experience that kind of love is a gift like no other.
2. Many people
say this, but only because it rings so true:
what I love about being a mother is experiencing the world through the
eyes of my children. I love that
everything is adventure, that the most (to us) mundane things can be fun and
exciting. That things we take for
granted, that we don’t even see anymore are suddenly enthralling again. What a
3. My children
make me laugh. They are really funny and
we have the most amusing conversations.
Instant entertainment on tap, what a pleasure!
4. My children
make me proud. I am in awe at how much
my children learn and accomplish each day. What a pity we lose that as adults,
because wow! They are super clever (<--
they get that from me)
And now it is my turn to tag five other (South
African) mothers:
You are welcome to participate as well, just link back to Sherry or Catherine above
There truly is nothing more eye-opening, for better or for worse, than becoming a mother.
I'm having so much fun watching this one travel the globe. I posted my own entry earlier and sent it spinning out into five farflung corners of the internet in exchange.
Posted by: Robin from Israel | 04 April 2009 at 05:01 PM
Holy crap, am I first? *grins maniacally and pats self on back*
Posted by: Robin from Israel | 04 April 2009 at 05:02 PM
Thanks for playing Tertia! What I've been noticing so far is that no matter what country people are from, no matter what culture they're raised in, there is a very common thread as far as what we all love about being mothers.
Now I'm going to go read the people you've tagged - the only downside to this project is that I keep finding more new people to add to my rss reader. I'm never going to get anything done at this rate!
Posted by: Sherry Osborne | 04 April 2009 at 06:22 PM
that's super special!!!
Posted by: renee frouws | 04 April 2009 at 10:22 PM
What a beautiful post... and your children are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing...
Posted by: Karen MEG | 04 April 2009 at 10:29 PM
Tertia, you should know that I rely on you for news of all things South African (kind of like how Americans get their news from The Daily Show). So I was really disappointed today to learn that YESTERDAY was National Cleavage Day in SA and your readers didn't know about it. I would have so loved to have dressed in solidarity with my South African sisters yesterday. Instead, I wore a turtleneck.
Please don't let us down next year, k?
Posted by: Molly | 05 April 2009 at 01:30 AM
Rock on!
Posted by: Ellen | 05 April 2009 at 01:28 PM
You said it so perfectly, I don't think I could try to write my list of 5 things. Last word Tertia, over and out.
Posted by: Margot | 05 April 2009 at 06:59 PM
Sweetheart, Catherine is Canadian! Too tired to do a list for wore me out.
Posted by: Aurelia | 06 April 2009 at 03:48 AM
Hi took up the challenge and did my 5 reasons XDebbie
Posted by: Deblet | 06 April 2009 at 03:07 PM
It was hard to limit it to just five. :-)
Posted by: Melissa | 06 April 2009 at 05:59 PM