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Wonderful post Tertia! Your relationship with Marko sounds remarkably similar to my relationship with my husband.

How special! I am very happily married and I often 'feel sad' for people who don't have a wonderful partner to share their lives with.

I so agree with the "he's MY pain in the butt" part! My Mo is so far from perfect most days. . .but he is perfect for me.


nice list. i think your readers -those who read attentively- know that you two are made for each other...

I loved reading this - just as much as I love reading your moans about him on occasion. My husband and I have been married almost 16 years, been together for almost 18 (we met when we were both 19) and your relationship with Marko seems so similar to the kind of give and take my husband and I have. I love seeing that in other couples - too many people are either mismatched or not willing to work on things, and I hate seeing that happen - it's so nice to "see" a couple that works.

Congrats on a happy life!

Re #5.... I can't believe I'm confessing this, but I think Marko is hot too!

I normally don't even notice men that way (happily married, couldn't care less how people look most of the time, etc.).


Based on the few pics you've posted of Marko, I must agree. He is hot. :)

Awww....that's great!

let's back up a little....anyone who has read SO CLOSE...(and there are many of us by now) will be asking...

so you didn't start drinking until you met marko?

It is true, they are perfect for each other. Like they could never be married to any other person. If one pegs, the other one will never re marry, ever.
Odd those 2, anal, workaholics, very tidy, not very social, both very funny, both sarcastic.
Sometimes I wanna give Marko a huge medal for being my sister's husband and sometimes I want to give Tertia one for being Susan's wife. Mostly I want to give them both a medal for creating their precious family and a safe place for their kids to grow up in... love, respect and honour. Now, just missing one ingredient but myself and all clapper readers are doing loads of praying for the cherry on top.

Well done Tertia! Great post! I think we don't say often enough how much we love/like/admire/respect/lust after our partners. It seems to be fashionable to moan about them, but no so much to give them a thumbs-up from time to time.

I enjoyed this post. It sounds like you are a great match and as for regularly getting annoyed with him, I think most couples that are well matched still do :).

I hope I find someone as well matched to me as that.

Never commented before, but this post has me in tears. Could have been my list, and I am happy that you are doing this while you have the chance. My hubby passed away in November, and although I think he knew most of the stuff, I never actually said them all aloud. Don't think I'll ever find such a perfect MY lid again. Praying for you and your family.

BTW, is Marko a Virgo perhaps, and you a Capricorn? Never thought much about the stuff, but I see so many similar traits in people from these star signs, and they are ideally suited.

Brilliant post! Makes me want to do a list of my own... damn, now you've started me feeling all sentimental about my darling fartbag! ;)

very sincere tertia. You know..i think if every married person were to compile a list like this of their spouse..they might actually end up appreciating each other more :-) i think its fabulous!!!!!

Aaaaaw. I love a little marital romance. It makes me hopeful!

You know he is going to read this and get all "I'm the man" on you! :-)

Loved the list - makes me want to do one for my "lid" too.

Great post! My DH and I always say we're the only two people in the world that would put up with the other, so we're together in similar circumstances.

Good for you Tertia! Great list, and one which could have been mine (still working on #10!!)

Make sure you tell him all this in person - I'm sure you can do it without it sliding too much into romantic mush (which both of you seem to dislike!)

You are so lucky....I am on my own yet again and think this is how I will remain..me and my son Jake. I seem to attract the absolute dregs of society as far as men are concerned...have never known the love and adoration you speak of...lucky you!! Any wonder I am a bitter sarcastic old hag...heheh!!


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