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Kids say the funniest things!

This car story is so cute! I've been thinking with the new house and new baby you might need a new car...can you fit three carseats in your backseat?

HAHAHAHAHAHA..that is so funny..kids say the darndest things ...

he he he he - sounds like she's getting you ready for the teenage years already, You know , the screams of "I hate you, I wish you werent my mother, I wish I'd never been born". Gosh, I'm dreading teenage years already!!

aahhhh. daughters.

Ha! I remember those days too well! Mine wouldn't have missed me either, but you know what? Now she's grown up? She's my best friend!

Mother-daughter relationships... so special.... *sigh*

An individual that one!

hmmm - sounds a lot like my daughter.... aren't you glad LN7 is a boy-child after all? Only enough room for 1 madam in every household!

Haha! I swear our daughters get PMS from about 3 or 4 - there is no other explanation!

Too cute!!!

From the mouths of babes, eh? ;-)

That's a girl for you. I have one of each. My boy is much sweeter!


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