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Oh You are so funny,Im pretty sure he found me too on Facebook-there are some weirdos on there!Congrats for passing the milestone with Baby Max-Im sure you feeling great,and your photograph is beautiful-you are truly glowing. Love reading your blog-I can so relate- with four year old & 16 month old boys-my life is fun and games at the moment!You put into words the very same thing Im thinking...
All the best with your book-best Ive ever read!


And *cackle*

You crack me up! I know exactly how you feel. There are so many wierdos out there. I don't have any time for them either. Or my poor DH either!

Too funny Tertia.

I was so worried you wouldn't accept my befriending you on FB -- thankfully, I wrote the acceptable rationale and we are now "friends!"

Oh man, tell me about it! What is it with Indonesian men and female bloggers! I had one guy who kept friend requesting me and even going so far as to give me his phone number in the request. Not cool.

I have enver, ever had someone odd as to friend me on FB. What is wrong with me? I feel rejected.


Take a few years and another pregnancy off, and YES.

People makes the daftest friend requests.


lol....you are hilarious!!

Debbie, I am feeling kind of rejected, too! Nobody unknown ever picks me to be their friend. Boo hoo!

Too funny, these requests!

My dear, you look better pg at 40 than I do at 37! Good idea about Facebook, I just joined and have not yet thought to Friend those in my blog world. :)

i used to be a bit amused by these people, and engaged in some funny conversations with them.....where do you know me from.....oh, so you don't know me? well then why add me.....yadda yadda.... some interesting reasons came from there. but now they just annoy me... an instant ignore.

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