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Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! You crack me up when you talk about Marko...I can just imagine the two of you, sitting side by side on the couch, stiff armed and stiff legged for a few minutes, then getting up and saying "well that wasn't so bad!" LOL. Congrats on the new uber-bed!

I moved house when I was seven months pregnant. I think it's the opposite of the nesting urge. It's the nesting purge. ;-}

I once worked for a British couple who had been married for 54 years (!!) and when I asked the wife how she did it she led me to her bedroom where two beds were separated by a night stand.
Happy sleeping = happy marriage !

hi tertia. glad to hear you are all doing well. i saw you at a local restaurant on saturday, and you looked fabulous. if i ever have a third baby, i hope to look as good as you!

You actuually share a matress and a duvet? That is crazy... I do not know anybody in a relationship over a year who does that! Some how your interpunction is screwed up in google reader. It is readable but it put 3 questionmarks in luke ben???s twinbrother which made me kind of sad somehow..

Tannie T, how about a belly shot? Come on sexy, give it!

oh, how i would LOVE my own bed so that i could sleep, sleep at long last, finally just SLEEP instead of fighting for the covers that he steals every night, struggling to turn over without disrupting his all-too-delicate sleep . . . but yeah, hell will freeze over first

Love the passion in the marriage. It makes for a happy homeland. Perhaps Shelly the dog would like a beautiful Hello Kitty backpack ... it would go beautifully with her coat. Sadness about the non-pink spider bag.....

My husband has the odd habit of sleeping in lots of random places throughout the house (living room, study, etc.) - so I often get the bed to myself. In Sweden apparently it is normal for double beds to have separate duvets. I always liked Swedes.

BTW, like Mijk up there, your posts display weirdly in the reader I use (bloglines), all apostrophes are question marks ... not unreadable, but strange. FYI, FWIW ...

OMG! I'm so freakin' jealous of the bed thing! How in the world did you get him to agree to that? Wait...maybe I don't wanna know ;)

We have long had seperate duvets (but same bed in our small room) and it is brilliant. So much more comfortable for everyone.

Married 22 years here, and have had different rooms (and beds, obviously) for about 13 years. Much better for sleeping, especially as I'm a night-owl and he's an early riser! People do give us strange looks when they find out, but it works okay for us.

Oh I would also love my own bed!

Loved the update - thanks, but aren't you going to tell us what the e-mail was about?

Have you read Marley & Me? John Grogan has a labrador retriever and it was the nuttiest dog EVER. English Labrador Retrievers are really placid dogs, but American LR's are c-r-a-z-y. Find out which one Shelly is!!


Well done on the bed detente. Sounds wonderful. Maybe we'll do that when we do the new mattress deal.

You'll have to tell Bruno (is it Bruno right? The drooling at the bunnies dog?) to step up his efforts at being entertaining. Destructive behaviour = bored doggie. Bruno obviously hasn't figured out Shelly's love language yet.

Hmm - could Marko give Rose lessons? Or is that just an insane suggestion. Very glad to hear your mother is doing better, and Max is gorgeous and divine on the scan.

House, why not let us all see where your house is advertised on the net, the more people who see it the better!

When we sold our last house the one afternoon I was lying on the couch enjoying a G+T. When the viewers arrived, I put my glass in the fridge - see - house is now tidy!! Well, blow me down if the estate agent then doesn't want fridge water - caught out big time!!

Oh, the joys of house viewing!

Max is looking lovely - not as lovely as our Tim, but lovely never the less - ha ha!!

to solve our duvet wars, magnificent and i have a king sized duvet and a queen sized bed.

What ever happened to your friend who needed the beta whilst in NYC? I'm still waiting for that update. Did I miss it?

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