those who weren’t here four years ago: LBC = Live Baby Check and DBTs = Dead Baby Thoughts.
In the ideal world, you get pregnant, you are happy and then
nine months later you have a baby. You
go for a few scans through out your pregnancy, and you sail through happy
In my world, you don’t get pregnant, then you don’t get
pregnant some more. Then you get
pregnant and it dies. And then you get pregnant and it dies some more. Rinse and repeat x6. You are only happy when that baby is
born. Healthy. Not premature. You try and last two weeks between scans, but
inevitably the DBTs sneak in until you are convinced all is lost and the only
way to stay sane is to have regular (WEEKLY) LBCs.
Because I
am supposed to be all Zen about this pregnancy and not really care whether it
works out or not (YEAH RIGHT), I thought I should do a LBC only every second
week. Because I am so calm this
time. Oh, forgive me while I laugh
It has
been 8 days since my last scan and by this morning the DBTs were threatening to
consume me. I called my wonderful new
gynae and said I need to come in for a LBC, I’ll be super quick, I’ll even take
my pants off in the car on the way there. I’ll run in, buck naked, and scan myself if the good doctor is busy with
someone else. Divine Doctor said come in
now. I was there in five minutes. All well. Live Baby, beating heart, growing nicely.
immediately made weekly appointments. I just can’t do it. I thought I could
last two weeks, but I can’t. The longest
I can last without going totally insane is 7 days. And yes, I will get a Doppler, but I think it
only works after 12 weeks, right? Weekly
LBCs will have to suffice till then.
This will
be my last pregnancy, ever. I can’t do this again.
I think this one is a sticker - holding thumbs!!!
Posted by: Tripsmom | 24 October 2008 at 10:59 AM
Yeah! Phew! Bravo for lasting 8 days!
Posted by: Janine | 24 October 2008 at 10:59 AM
Yay - on the LBC! So pleased for you! Now - do what I told you before: Start enjoying your last pregnancy! This is it! The.Last.One!! Do your LBC every 7 days, and enjoy it in between!
You.Will.Never.Have.This.Again. Have I made it clear?? Enjoy.It! Plus - you are allowed 1 glasss of wine to celebrate you know! xx
Posted by: kirstyphysio | 24 October 2008 at 11:00 AM
Hi Tertia
I dont post much on ur site but i do read ur blog everyday.
Yesterday, after weeks of trying to get a copy of your book, i finally had it in my hand. I started reading it and carried on until it was finished in the wee hours of the morning. I cried as i read ur experiences, for Ben and for everything else. Hubby and i are also bettling with infertility ( male and female factor). Knowing what u have been through i think it is totally understandable for u to have the same fears..who wouldnt. You and i share similar traits. And like you i know i can never give up. Reading your book has given me even more strength to continue on this journey. I pray that everything goes well for ur pregnancy. And if it makes u feel better to get a scan everyday, u go for it.
All the best
Posted by: Jessica | 24 October 2008 at 11:04 AM
Cheese Louise - when I saw your title I nearly just puked from stress.....had to skip right down to the end of the post to see the result and then went back up and read the post. SERIOUSLY - you need to give the outcome FIRST.......shew, I need some chocolate now, to calm down!
Posted by: Bianca W | 24 October 2008 at 11:30 AM
Posted by: Bianca W | 24 October 2008 at 11:31 AM
excellent that you have the one week appointment option...fits nicely into your window of need. ms bo ulder and i were chatting the other day and we said if we were in your jimmy choos we would be having emergency scans often.
smooches from the chaos.
Posted by: tess | 24 October 2008 at 11:58 AM
Oh my G-D T! You are truly one of the strongest women I know!!!!
So glad everything is going well!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Posted by: Gina | 24 October 2008 at 12:09 PM
Oh, Tertia, keep strong. I think this one is destined to be called Coral and be brilliant and good looking like the namesake. Oh, you don't like the name. I thought it would be good for a boy!!
Tell us how far along you are at the moment. (My daughter is 11 weeks 3 days today). And I am too informed having read your book. I keep having nervous thoughts. (and you never said it was a 'noo-kal' fold, you said 'nooch-all' fold, I am sure! Yup, made a fool of myself) I saw the little fishy kid on a scan yesterday, I am in love.
But truly I have really positive thoughts for you. Keep being strong.
love and hugs
Posted by: Coral | 24 October 2008 at 12:44 PM
Posted by: Ann | 24 October 2008 at 12:53 PM
Oh God yes T - weekly LBC please, for your sanity. The only way to go really! Glad you still have 1 x healthy beating baby heart!
Posted by: Trish | 24 October 2008 at 01:13 PM
Had to scan to the bottom to make sure LBC = a live baby. Whew. Glad things are good.
Coming from a woman who had two pregnancies that equaled two healthy babies that arrived practically on their due date - no, there is no pregnancy that just sails through. You still get the living heck scared out of you from time to time, even just after the baby is born. (I'll spare you the details, you're pregnant).
I don't think you have to appologise for being paranoid. Just happy you have a sympathetic medical team rooting for you.
Posted by: Tiah | 24 October 2008 at 01:16 PM
I got my doppler to work at 8 weeks, with all three pregnancies.
Glad to hear all is well! YAY!
Posted by: VHMPrincess | 24 October 2008 at 01:18 PM
I so know what you are going through. I am 14 weeks pregnant, 3rd pregnancy after 2 mc's. I had weekly scans until 12 weeks (the only way I stayed sane) and now that I am down to monthly checks because I am safely into my 2nd trimester, I can still barely hold on between appointments.
Posted by: Angela | 24 October 2008 at 01:33 PM
I have a feeling this one will do fine and that Adam and Kate will be joined by Albertyn No 3. I don't know why but for some reason I also think this one might just be a girl ;)
Posted by: Lesley Watt | 24 October 2008 at 01:36 PM
Shoot, the anxiety was getting to ME -- no way should you be going more than a week between checks.
Could you pls post video of in-transit pant removal? TIA!
Posted by: Slim | 24 October 2008 at 01:44 PM
Running in naked would be sexy now, but imagine how you'll look in 6 months doing that.
Posted by: Angie | 24 October 2008 at 01:52 PM
hey you, i had a scan every signle week from week 5 to week 18 when i started feeling the baby move...and the every 2 weeks.....i had bloode test done every 3 days to see if the nubers were going up.... it was at 25$ each time for scan and 50$ for blood work, and it was the best spent money ever! i didnt relax till she came out alive and shat my self daily...its a rollercoaster, but you can do it! do the weekly scan without any guilt!
so happy for you!hang in there!
Posted by: Liria | 24 October 2008 at 02:03 PM
I check in every day - my version of a LBC. I really am rooting for you Tertia!
Posted by: Hanlie | 24 October 2008 at 02:04 PM
I finally caved in my last pg and bought a doppler and managed to get something from 10 weeks on. I bought the base model which didn't tell me the HR and am so glad, I think having a number would have been something else to obsess about. Yay on the successful LBC, and while we're deja vu-ing our acronyms, remember NBHHY.
Posted by: gkk | 24 October 2008 at 02:06 PM
I was here 4 years ago and I am happy to hear that everything is going well. It took me 3 years to conceive my DD (who was conceived naturally after two failed IVFs, how's that for irony?) and I was consumed by DBTs for awhile but then I calmed down and figured my issue was just getting pregnant (DD is going to be 2 in December). I just lost my second child at 9 weeks and I don't know how you've gone through it as many times as you have. I am rooting for you and living vicariously through you right now.
Congratulations again :D
Posted by: Jennifer | 24 October 2008 at 02:10 PM
I know the waiting is hard. I probably had 10 sonos my first trimester with this recent post-IF, post-adoption, post-40 pregnancy. Waiting betwixt them made me madly insane.
12 weeks will be here soon.
Posted by: Andrea | 24 October 2008 at 02:15 PM
So So happy for you.
And it's perfectly normal to have the DBT's, have those while all of us out here send you LBV's (Live Baby Vibes!!)
Posted by: Nicole | 24 October 2008 at 02:23 PM
My whole family is rooting for Lucky 7!
Posted by: Julie | 24 October 2008 at 02:34 PM
WOOHOO! Glad we don't have to wait another week. LOL I think this baby is settled in for the long haul, T.
Posted by: Stefanie | 24 October 2008 at 02:35 PM
I'm so happy that everything is going well...that said, good for you for knowing what you need to get through this with your sanity intact. And good for your doctors for honoring that....
Posted by: Bobbi | 24 October 2008 at 02:38 PM
Phew, what a relief! Baby Analtyn still going strong.
I must say the picture of you doing your own sonar was a little disturbing...that and buck naked Mrs. Analtyn running in a parking lot...I'm guessing these images will afflict me for quite a long time into the future (the type of pictures that pop into your head involuntarily when you try and quietly meditate). I have a very sharp visual memory so try and ignore the odd smile on my face the next time I see you. Try the Men in Black stare, maybe it works.
Posted by: Maritza | 24 October 2008 at 02:40 PM
Saw the title of your post in my reader and new exactly what you were referring to. Do you think you're the only one who has flashbacks around here? ;)
Posted by: Dani | 24 October 2008 at 02:45 PM
Honestly, I was wondering earlier this week why you didn't just break down and get the weekly checks! I'm glad you've decided to do it. Your life will be so much easier because of it.
Posted by: Egg Donor | 24 October 2008 at 02:50 PM
Hey, your blog title makes sense again.
You know, in June-ish when you're having a scheduled C-section, you might think about getting your tubes tied. If you're sure you're done, that is. What if you start wanting a fourth kid?
Posted by: Orange | 24 October 2008 at 02:50 PM
I am so glad things are going well. Do not feel bad for needing weekly scans. If it helps you emotionally, it will help with keeping the baby from feeling your stress. When I get pregnant again I will try for every two weeks, but I don't know if I will be able to. I've been pregnant three times this year already and no baby to show for it. Two early losses and one with twins at 18 weeks. I thought getting pregnant would be the hard part once we started trying again, but it seems to be staying pregnant. My last loss happened two days before my first scan which would have been at 7 weeks. For the next time I will go in at 6 weeks, so I don't waste a week of worrying. I wish you the best and keep up with whatever works for you! Healthy baby vibes are being sent to you from Wisconsin, USA!
Posted by: Jennifer | 24 October 2008 at 03:02 PM
I can't believe you even considered torturing us all for two whole weeks every time. Quite selfish, really. This plan is much better.
Posted by: Sara | 24 October 2008 at 03:11 PM
That's good news, Tertia. Both the Live Baby, and the weekly appointments.
(And dear, you say it's your last pregnancy every time. It's not that I doubt you, but....
I'm hoping it's your last pregnancy because the new baby arrives right on time in a little less than 8 months and then you and Marko are too sleep exhausted to....)
Posted by: Jody | 24 October 2008 at 03:37 PM
I think that you really should name this baby Lucky. S/he's going to beat all the odds and grow up to cure cancer or win the Nobel Peace Prize or something.
Praying for you...
Posted by: Amy | 24 October 2008 at 03:45 PM
Wonderful. Fingers crossed here.
Posted by: Anjali | 24 October 2008 at 04:07 PM
Is it OK that I'm laughing at you? In the nicest possible way, of course. And I'm thrilled to hear the LBC produced a thumbs-up.
Posted by: Tine | 24 October 2008 at 04:16 PM
I am just sending you all the good thoughts I can. So glad you have a dr who can give you a bit of piece of mind!
Posted by: Mar | 24 October 2008 at 04:20 PM
awesome term nicole..........so tertia here are some more LBV :0
Posted by: Cassey | 24 October 2008 at 04:37 PM
YEA!!! I am crossing my fingers and toes for you!!
Posted by: marine wife | 24 October 2008 at 04:39 PM
Good news. Good news is Good News.
Posted by: wyliekat | 24 October 2008 at 04:42 PM
Give me a heart attack, why don't you? But thanks for the laugh re: the image of you running in pantsless to scan yourself.
Posted by: Louise Sloan | 24 October 2008 at 04:52 PM
Yay for weekly LBC's!! Don't know how you could possibly think about NOT doing so. I mean, really, if not for you, what about US!
Posted by: Bethany | 24 October 2008 at 04:54 PM
NBHHY. Fingers still crossed for you.
Posted by: Jigsaw | 24 October 2008 at 05:06 PM
Doppler will sometimes work at 8 week. But for sure by 12 weeks. I would say at least 60% of the time not till 11 weeks.
Posted by: Diane Dawson | 24 October 2008 at 05:14 PM
Dopplers only work consistently after twelve weeks, but some people, with patience, can get a reading earlier. One of my friends got hers at 9.5 weeks. And order it now! Mine took ages and ages to arrive and I nearly died while I was waiting for it.
Posted by: Jen | 24 October 2008 at 05:16 PM
I've only been pg 1 time in 19 years and I was scared the whole time. I was a regular at L&D coming in every 10 days to make sure my little guy was ok. I wish I could've relaxed more, but I was petrified. I see nothing wrong with going to check, if only for your sanity, because then when all is good, you are relieved and can go about not stressing out over it.
Posted by: Tif | 24 October 2008 at 05:32 PM
That's great news. Have a super weekend!
Posted by: Jessica | 24 October 2008 at 05:40 PM
What divine news! Bravo Tertia! (P.S.- I don't blame you about the LBC's. I've never been pregnant nor tried to get pregnant, but when I do, paranoid sort that I am, you can bet that there will be many many LBC's.)
Posted by: Rachel | 24 October 2008 at 06:04 PM
Also, for those of us who have been longtime readers, NBHHY!!!
Posted by: Lina | 24 October 2008 at 06:20 PM
Being able to wait 7 days is admirable. I wish I had words of wisdom for you, I wish I could tell you I read fortunes and know what the immediate and long term future holds (but if I knew that I would be able to sell baby clothing without think, maybe it will happen again...then I burst into laughter and yet still store the clothing and toys and gadgets and gizmos).
All my best to someone I would one day like to buy a glass of wine, err bottle of wine for. Your writing keeps me going on tough days.
Posted by: Liz | 24 October 2008 at 06:35 PM
You gotta do what you gotta do. So far - so good. Sending good thoughts and wishes.
Posted by: Val | 24 October 2008 at 06:37 PM
I'm glad everything is going well. And I agree. For your sanity, you need weekly LBCs. I know if I get pregnant again from this IVF cycle I will be going weekly.
Posted by: Heather | 24 October 2008 at 06:44 PM
I know you can't afford to let yourself get happy yet but -- YAY! I am so thrilled. Thank you for getting the scan. I think *I* needed it almost as much as you, lol.
Posted by: victoria | 24 October 2008 at 06:57 PM
I've been reading for almost 4 years now (rarely comment) but wanted to let you know I'm pulling for your family as well. Glad everything's fine - stay well Tertia!
Posted by: Marivic | 24 October 2008 at 06:57 PM
I am amazed that you made it eight days myself. Am not sure that I would have lasted 2. You are made of strong stuff, even if you sometimes forget. We are rooting for you and L#7! Have you made a study of dopplers? you could order several and then do a review for the blog and anybody else you could get to listen. Perhaps you could get them for free(as a donation) for a charity when you no longer need the others for you review. What do you think?
Posted by: Melissia | 24 October 2008 at 07:26 PM
I wish I had access to that many lbc's . Ive had two miscarriages.. 7 weeks 5 days today. all I can do is check my toilet paper with obsessive compulsion and wait for my next scan in a few weeks.
you get as many scans as you can. get one for me while youre at it.
Posted by: pdxem | 24 October 2008 at 07:46 PM
I almost panicked when I saw the title of this post. I am so relieved all it well and your new OB/GYN is willing to work with you.
Posted by: Kristin | 24 October 2008 at 07:57 PM
you absolutley kill me and I love you to death.
Posted by: Luann | 24 October 2008 at 08:42 PM
Oh, honey. I'm so sorry about the DBTs. But you have certainly earned the right to be worried, after all that you have been thru. Your doc sounds awesome and accommodating. How great that you can get weekly scans. Glad to hear that your little bean is healthy and well.
Posted by: kristylynne | 24 October 2008 at 09:39 PM
Doppler started working for me around 9 weeks. At time I was pretty thin, like you. You could give it a shot! :)
Posted by: Pam | 24 October 2008 at 09:57 PM
Tertia, truth be told I'm halfway across the globe, have never met you, and only started reading your blog after Adam and Kate were born, but I'm wildly anxious on your behalf. So, yeah, I think your reaction is totally understandable.
(I had a doppler and couldn't get it to work until about 12 weeks. From that point on, it was very reassuring (and I did manage not to go crazy before it would pick up the h/b, but things were much better once it would).)
Hang in there. I'm so glad your doctor understands.
Posted by: Alex | 24 October 2008 at 10:21 PM
Go every day if you can. I told my hb about your pregnancy (tfu tfu tfu) and noticed how tense I am about it. How weird is that? Tell us everyday that everything is fine and it won't be too much. I keep every crossable bit crossed. Spit over shoulder, water and salt in all corners of the house.
Posted by: Lila | 24 October 2008 at 10:23 PM
Posted by: Casey | 24 October 2008 at 10:42 PM
Rooting for you girlie. Hang in there.
Posted by: karla | 24 October 2008 at 11:40 PM
Hang in there, dear girl.
I never got a doppler because I figured if I had one, I'd either be connected to it 24/7 and unable to think about anything else or I'd stroke out alone in my room if I had even the slightest difficulty finding a heartbeat. Just saying.
Love those frequent scans, though.
Posted by: BrooklynGirl | 25 October 2008 at 12:28 AM
Culture/economic question: What does standard medical insurance pay for in South Africa? If you want to go in every week, do you have to pay for those visits yourself? Or will insurance/other health plan pay for them? Some plans here will only pay for a certain number of scans, so I was just wondering.
Posted by: Jill | 25 October 2008 at 01:30 AM
Have you begun referring to yourself on forums as a pregnant goddess yet?
Oh wait never mind.
Posted by: Amy | 25 October 2008 at 01:37 AM
Hang in there, Tertia! Do what feels right to you, even if it means going evry day to your doctor's office!
Posted by: Anna | 25 October 2008 at 02:20 AM
Do what you need to do to take care of yourself--
Holding you in the light.
be well,
Posted by: Angie Best-Boss | 25 October 2008 at 02:36 AM
Dude. Thanks. It was getting sympathtic dbt's all the way over here in the US. Whew.
Posted by: Sarah | 25 October 2008 at 03:09 AM
I think it's completely understandable. Do what you have to so that you don't stress - even if it means the weekly appointments. Many positive thoughts!
Posted by: Katie | 25 October 2008 at 03:57 AM
to help you think happy thoughts check out my pages and plan a trip to Accra, believe me it works you'll be thinking positive in no time hun!
Don't worry about the baby, you're going to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Don't ask me how I know these things, I just do.
Posted by: Toke | 25 October 2008 at 04:27 AM
you make me feel so sane and normal. after losing my second daughter to cot death (sids), i spent a lot of time having dbts . . . even going so far as driving to the maternity ward in my nightgown, no knickers, bare feet, and running in announcing that my baby had died. the lovely nurses propped me up on a bed, gave me a cup of tea (the new zealand panacea for all bad things) and monitored the VLB until i was satisfied that she was alive.
once she was out, i had a breathing monitor - which ticked every time she breathed. i don't know how many times i picked her up by the back of her clothing and dropped her about 3cm to make her take a breath, even tho i could see the green light flashing, and could hear the ticker ticking.
in my mind, she was dead.
then there were the times i have hauled both her and her older sister out of bed while they are sound asleep . . . same deal. or coming suddenly and in panic out of a sound sleep i have kicked my husband, or bashed him in the chest. and booted the dog or cat right off the end of the bed, or knocked them on to the floor - all in the same manner - a wild mindless panic that almost stopped my own heart.
now she is 22, almost a fourth year vet, very very very much alive. the eldest is 25, ditto to liveness. and the new baby, the one who made me bleed for six weeks in between violent vomiting while waiting for the axe to fall, the one who is now almost 14 months old and bounces through life on steel springs for nerves? she only rarely gets shaken or bumped to breathe.
but i still get the panic when i am away from her for two seconds, where my fingers curl right into my palms and the nails dig in, and i let out a weird kind of grunt as if someone has just punched me, and then i have to wave my arms and hands to dispel the adrenaline coursing through me.
it sucks.
but oh the joy those kids one and all bring me and the rest of the world. thats why we are the mumies, because we are the only creatures on the planet capable of laughing in the face of our own terror - terror we have met at the untimely and unfair deaths of our own flesh and blood. but we joke, and tease, and laugh while we freeze inside at the barest sniff at another loss, and simultaneously practise the art of loving our children with every tattered and ragged scrap of our battered hearts.
and what a love that is.
you would survive anything T, anything. you already have. despite the terror and anguish and sheer knowledge of all that is potentially bad - you laugh at a future day . . . and in doing so you light up the pathways of so many women facing similar situations.
you make it okay to be scared, to be petrified, to bave to force yourself to breathe at times when the 'what might happen' presses in around you.
Posted by: ruth | 25 October 2008 at 05:33 AM
I am so glad to hear you are still pregnant. I lost a baby to miscarriage between my first born and the twin girls I eventually had. Let me tell you having ONE miscarriage was stressful enough, I have no idea how you manage dealing with your current pregnancy with such a history of loss.. With humor and grace. You are a strong cookie Tertia! All the best to you and your beautiful family!
Posted by: Amyinbc | 25 October 2008 at 05:47 AM
Hang in there, Honey.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: serina | 25 October 2008 at 06:10 AM
I am a psychic (or maybe it's psycho?). I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN and I TOLD you so and you said "No, no, no." You knew it would happen. In your heart, you KNEW it, didn't you? ;)
I'm really thrilled for you, Tertia. Really, really thrilled. I hope and pray that everything goes smoothly and you are able to enjoy an uneventful pregnancy and all of the joys of a "surprise" baby. All of our children are absolute blessings to me ... but experiencing the joy of a "spontaneous" singleton baby has undoubtedly been the best thing to ever happen in my life. Especially after everything I've gone through with infertility and a high risk pregnancy and motherhood by immersion to triplets. You and Marko, Adam and Kate (and Rose, too) are in for such a wonderful adventure. Many prayers for good health all around.
Now I'm a little jealous and must go get knocked up.
Indeed, I am psycho.
xoxox Jen
Posted by: Jen @ amazingtrips | 25 October 2008 at 06:56 AM
Hey Tertia,
I am so happy to hear the news though in your world I know that the anxiety and secptism prevents you allowing yourself to 'get happy' about the pregnanacy just yet.
I hope my gut feeling is right (and it usually is) but I think this baby is going to be just fine. I will be praying that all goes well.
Remember my friend Gill I brought to the lunch - she's 1 week away from being 7 months pregnant. She's 42 and conceived naturally after many years of being told by doctors it would not happen. It's truly a miracle and she looks gorgeous! All the fetal scanning for abnormalities also came back clear, Christine is due in Jan.
Take care!
Posted by: oliete | 25 October 2008 at 08:03 AM
TOTALLY IDENTIFY!!!! What a little miracle this babe is!
Posted by: Lindsay | 25 October 2008 at 09:15 AM
Am so pleased that you've taken the route of scheduling the scans at 7 days. 14 days is just too many to have to get through, and I think this is a brilliant choice you've made.
You know how much I want this for you, and I can't tell you how much all of my bits hurt from staying crossed for good luck.
Posted by: Boulder | 25 October 2008 at 01:24 PM
Assvice for today: stop apologizing to us, to the doctor and to yourself and do what you need to do to feel well.
I heart you.
Posted by: blackbird | 25 October 2008 at 01:28 PM
Hi Tertia,this is Gill, Oliete's friend! What wonderful news! Hang in there girl!! As you know, I have been through all that anxiety recently and know what you are going through. Tough but chin up! Hopefully we can let our babies meet in a few months time!!
Posted by: Gill Lister | 25 October 2008 at 01:32 PM
Oh Tertia, You are doing great sweetheart. No one could blame you for camping out by the scanner. I am so delighted with your news. Keep well. Ixx
Posted by: Ladybirdgirl | 25 October 2008 at 08:25 PM
Delurking, and as a DBM, I applaud the courage with which you enter this pregnancy and your gumption in demanding what you need to get through it.
Fingers crossed for a healthy, boring 40 weeks.
Thinking of you.
Posted by: Sue | 25 October 2008 at 10:08 PM
YEAHHH T! Excellent news. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Posted by: kate | 25 October 2008 at 10:11 PM
I think my sister would benefit from LBCs. She is also PCOS, fertility issues- gets pregnant easily, then lost baby #1-3 this year already. I think current Baby #4 is going to stick though! Good thoughts for you and yours!
Posted by: Heather | 26 October 2008 at 12:03 AM
glad LBC went well. weekly scans are great. I vote for c-section + tubes tied - ok, I know, its a long ways away but...and on the doppler thing: a study was done where they found that it could (empahsis) happen that a mom would rely on the doppler (hear a heart beat) and think all was well even though the baby was not moving well....I don't need to keep going. So, use with caution at the end of pregnancy...the great thing about gestational diabetes was the every 3 day non-stress test -- helped me get thru the end of my pregnancy nicely....
hang in there!
Posted by: Jb | 26 October 2008 at 01:02 AM
I had weekly LBC's in my first trimester :) (many of them I DID scan myself, in my workplace no less- but only once I was eight weeks or so and could do it transabdominally).
Oh, and I first got HB's with the doppler at 9 weeks..
Posted by: Geohde | 26 October 2008 at 01:52 AM
I remember those feelings so well, so glad your gynae will allow you to get checked out so often.
Posted by: Jeanette | 26 October 2008 at 12:25 PM
WHOA!!!! Hold the phone! When did this happen????
Amazing!!! I'm thinking tons of LIVE BABY thoughts for you. Wonderful!!!
Posted by: Chickenpig | 26 October 2008 at 07:01 PM
I had weekly ultrasounds the first trimester. Couldn't handle the thoughts. The home dopplers do work before 12 weeks. I think some say 8-10 weeks. I started using mine twice daily at 11 weeks. Helped me start my day off reassured and then rest my thoughts before bed. Best to you.
Posted by: wendy | 28 October 2008 at 10:25 PM
Please get a doppler... now! I think you'll find that you'll be able to detect a hb from around 10weeks (I could). Definite peace of mind and will save you a fortune in scans!
Posted by: Terrie from Oz | 30 October 2008 at 01:39 AM
Wow! it was so interesting experience,good luck for your pregnancy. Keep it up.
Posted by: LBC | 20 January 2009 at 10:47 AM
How's your pregnancy?congratulation! at least you did well.
Posted by: lbc | 27 January 2009 at 03:07 AM
I am a labor and delivery nurse. I saw something at Walmart the other day that made me say "that's really cool!" It appeared to be a doppler type device for listening to your baby's heartbeat at home. I didn't buy one and since I'm not pregnant couldn't try it out. It was relatively inexpensive if I remember correctly, so I wonder if it is as good of quality as what we have at the hospital. But still seems like a really nifty thing to have.
Posted by: Andrea | 28 January 2009 at 05:42 PM