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we'd know if you were spending too much time doing IF stuff if you said that they "implanted" seven embryos and four took. that would be a severe sign of off-your-rocker-itis.

you're just, peachy?

means you need another cycle to remind you.

LOL! I can sooo relate to the strange dream bit. I always know when I have been studying too hard or am way too involved in a project at work, because I start to have these hectic, convoluted dreams about the studying / project matter. The dreams are always really weird and I wake up exhausted because it feels as though I have been working all night. The only good thing about it is that it is a sign that I have actually got off my lazy ass and become truly engaged with something.

This method doesn't really, ahem, apeel!

orange ya going just a little crazy? i know, that was lame...

you know, if you could figure out how to gestate babies in an orange, you might just make a fortune in hollywood! no more orange peel thighs...

ok, i'm stopping already!

I'm gonna be lambasted but.... Orange Jews? ;)

Well, I think it's wonderful that you're so involved with it!

That's awesome. Thanks for a great laugh to start off my day!

As someone who has dealt with infertility (and is now "missing" a uterus due to the big "C"), I think the work you do is absolutely amazing. I love reading about all of the things you do, and about the kiddos, as well.

Cheers to you from the U.S!

Hey! Leave me out of this! I gestate for no one.

If they ever figure out how to grow babies in an orange, I'd be all over that. Sign me up!

Can I have an orange please!? Bloody funny!

BTW - I know my day has been busy when I have not had time to visit www.tertia.org

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