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Does she have her group set up on Facebook under the "Causes" application?

This reminds me of the skit that Bill Cosby did on Noah. When God comes to visit Noah to tell him to build an ark. It is extremely funny and Mel would enjoy it too....

I love the Noah thing. And I'm on Jesus, too. It's nice.

I would argue that being religious and being good are not related at all. Plenty of so-called religious people have done many many bad things and are still doing it all in the name of religion. I think being good is a combination of DNA and upbringing. I would also argue that the problem with being religious really lies in being asked to believe in something that no one has proven exists (blind faith) AND especially, and this is the part that REALLY bothers me, being told what to do and what to believe by people that have nothing to do with your life and quite often live in their own little fairy tale world. Can you tell I don't like being told what to do (or think for that matter)?

Um, didn't Tertia and Mel specifically ask for us not to get off on the whole religion subject, but to stick to the point at hand, ie. Mel's fundraiser? If you're not into religion then don't be religious. Why the need to bash what others have found meaningful? Anyway...sorry, Tertia, I'm not much help. Don't know Angelina or Oprah. But I wish Mel much success; I'm sure she'll find a way (with God's help, and good networking) to reach her goal. :-)

Hey, I'm a Lordy chick, too!

Oh, this isn't about that. No advice for Mel and I'm already all over her blog but if she gives me a job, I will do it! I love her heart for needy moms and babies. She is truly so special.

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