charity, Bosom
Buddies. As you know, her charity provides
destitute new mothers the basic necessities like sanitary towels, baby blankets
and a few other items which they otherwise would not have. These mothers are so poor that they sometimes
have to take their babies home wrapped in old newspaper as they have nothing
she is putting together a ball to raise funds and has come up with a great idea
to rewards and acknowledge the many volunteers who help her in the charity.
Some of the volunteers are themselves not very well off financially and would ordinarily
never be able to afford a ticket to the ball.
She is
inviting all of you to attend, but considering that some of you stay a little
far away, you could attend by proxy. If
you are able and willing to play fairy godmother, you could sponsor one of the
volunteers to attend the ball on your behalf. Tickets are R300 / $38 per person and she has all the details on her blog. Please go check it out and if you can help,
please do.
and smooches xxx
Thanks fart bag.
Love u.
Posted by: Sister Mel | 22 June 2008 at 07:57 PM
LOL... Oh sisters. :)
Posted by: Liz | 23 June 2008 at 04:17 AM
Just by that comment - I can see how much you love one another. Good luck Mel - hope it goes as well as you hoped for. Am sure it will.
Posted by: Bianca W | 23 June 2008 at 10:57 AM
Why doesn't she offer them birth control.
Posted by: Heh | 24 June 2008 at 07:57 AM