But over
the last few days my dark despair is lifting, and once again my faith in my
fellow South Africans is being restored. The xenophobic attacks and blatant criminal acts are still deeply
disturbing, but what is coming to light is that the majority of South Africans
are warm, caring people who will open their hearts and their homes to people
from all cultures and all nations across the world. In the midst of this terrible crisis ordinary
South Africans have not only expressed their feelings in their words, but in
their actions as well. My best friend and
Nurture Egg Donor partner Melany has started her own blanket and baby food
drive, my sister Melanie has spent the entire weekend handing out food and
supplies to refugees (see here and here) and my dear young friend Rafiq (the “if only I was 17
years younger” one) has put together an amazing site called United for Africa where ordinary
people like you and me can keep up to date with what is happening on the
ground, and see how we can help the poor victims of this humanitarian crisis. Please click here to view.
To the ordinary South African who have extended their hands in help, thank you. To the criminal element who have perpetuated these terrible attacks, SHAME ON YOU. To my brothers and sisters from Africa, I am so terribly sorry. Please know that to the majority of South Africans you are our brothers and sisters, and you are always welcome in our home.
Things like this are so hard to see and to absorb, to comprehend. But you are right-- seeing people rise up to do something about the injustices, especially people you know is like a drink of something very soothing.
A huge thank you to both Mels and to Rafiq.
Posted by: JuliaKB | 26 May 2008 at 09:26 PM
Thank you for posting this, Tertia. I was thinking about you when I heard the reports on NPR. I'm glad that there are some good spirited things arising from the bad situation.
Posted by: Egg Donor (ret.) | 26 May 2008 at 09:28 PM
I just donated +-$43.75 (R350)through clicking on the "unitedforafrica" link and selecting the South African Red Cross society. It is very simple and easy to use although my American compatriots may find it confusing when asked for the "surname" (last name) and when asked for your address, EVERYTHING should be typed in the one box. The address is not being broken down as we are used to here. This is for a very good cause, and I urge my fellow readers to donate if they can find it in their hearts to do so! :-) I can't stand the sorrow in my moms voice when I call her in Johannesburg and she tells me about the horrific drama playing out there.
Posted by: Isabel | 26 May 2008 at 09:58 PM
Thanks for this post. I've been reading your blog from Canada for a little while now and just wrote my own blog post on it - good timing.
It's interesting to hear from someone living in the midst of this. I visited SA last year for a month and fell in love with it. I have friends living there and they send updates periodically. It's good to know fellow SA-ers are helping out as much as possible. It will take the community to pull together and change the xenophobia. I hope it gets better soon...
Posted by: Karrie J | 27 May 2008 at 12:54 AM
Thanks for commenting on this. I wanted to ask you if it was as bad as what I've read, but I didn't want to add to your upset.
The Globe & Mail (one of Canada's national newspapers) has been running stories about the horrific attacks in SA for a week now. I was sickened to read what is being done by these (relatively few) individuals.
I'm not a praying type, but I pray that the attacks stop and the victims can rebuild their lives.
It's inspiring to read that you & your friends are actively working to help.
Posted by: Chili | 27 May 2008 at 01:12 AM
Why does it always take a crisis to get people to reach out and help? What's happening in my beloved country is such a vicious circle out of which I don't see a way out if we don't do something drastic to turn things around. Big problems require big solutions. Donating,charity work and police crackdowns are a quick fix to the current crisis but what is going to help in the long run?
People living in the kind of extreme poverty and squalid conditions in the townships where all this horror started don't value their own lives why should they value others? They have no hope for a better life and frankly no one cares about them or listens to them. They only know one way of channeling their frustrations and anger (right or wrong ) it's always through violence. Violence is never the answer but what are their options exactly? Empty promises by politicians? Complaining to volunteer workers: here today gone tomorrow? The more noise they make the more the chances are someone might actually listen to them. Is anyone listening?
Posted by: Josh | 27 May 2008 at 07:29 AM
I really do sympathise with the latest victims of violence in SA, and am truly grateful for what you, Mel and others are doing to try to help, HOWEVER
When I saw Thabo Mbeki on CNN appealing for calm, and calling it "the worst violence since the end of apartheid" it hit a nerve. Where is all the public outrage when pensioners and farmers are being raped and killed in their beds? When toddlers and children are being raped every single day? It just makes me feel that crimes against the "previously advantaged" and children are soooo common that they are completely overlooked.
Yes, I admit I am one of those who has taken the "chicken run". I dearly love SA, but I honestly hope to continue building a life for myself and my family elsewhere, and I continue to try and get the rest of my family out of SA. Maybe it's not fair for me to comment when I no longer live there, but there are very good reasons why myself, and thousands like me, are determined not to come back.
I spent time in Lagos, Nigeria around 18 months ago, and I have to say the parallels with the situation in SA were very disturbing - breakdown of roads and infrastructure, poverty, crime and power outages.
I cry for all the wonderful things I miss about SA, but at least I don't have to worry about getting hijacked (or worse) when I drop my little one off at crèche in the morning........
Posted by: Julie | 27 May 2008 at 08:30 AM
Hi Tertia
While I definately agree that violence is not the answer, I do see the point of many South African Blacks. They are getting more and more frustrated with the uncontrolled influx of foreigners into South Africa.
In 1994 many, many foreigners were encouraged to come to South Africa by the ANC. For their vote, they received the right to become a resident in South Africa.
While not all foreigners are criminals, many of them are the cause of this aweful violence in South Africa. Most BIG crime syndicates are run by Nigerians, Mozambiquecans, Kenyans, etc.
Furthermore, most foreigners are willing to work for next to nothing, and under the most horrid circumstances, since they are "illigal". This makes life for the average South African very difficult, where we already have an unemplyment rate of over 40% This will by no means improve the standard of living for South Africans, jobs like garden and household services get taken away from them because a foreigner is willing to work for much less.
I believe that government should make a clear distinction between asylum seekers, like those that flee their country because they live in fear of their lives (like many Zimbabweans), and those that come to SA because they hope to make a fast buck. Too many people have been let into the country without any restrictions, and now we have the result.
Posted by: Heike | 27 May 2008 at 04:22 PM
I've been working in the UK for the last two weeks (ONLY!), so I've been out-of-touch of what's happening back-home. What I have heard has stunned and shocked me. South Africa is very much in my thoughts, hopes and prayers. Stay safe and positive!
Love and Light, Norman
Posted by: Norman Rasmussen | 28 May 2008 at 01:12 PM
Greeting. Turbulence is life force. It is opportunity. Let's love turbulence and use it for change.
I am from Bahamas and too bad know English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Some people believe that if they just have a template on word or word perfect and plug in their."
THX :-), Hyman.
Posted by: Hyman | 23 February 2009 at 04:25 AM