Up until I met Marko at the ripe old age of 29, my longest relationship
was 10 months. All my other relationships
(bar one) had fizzled out because they ended up with me dominating the
relationship, and the man, in such a way that I lost total respect for the
guy. Until I met Marko.
Even though Marko is five years younger than I am, he is the first guy
I have ever been with that absolutely does not take my shit. I am an old fashioned girl at heart; I need
my man to be a take charge kind of guy. I need a man who is strong enough to deal with my forceful personality,
and gentle enough to look after my fragile soul. Marko is all of that, and more.
That stuff about making him stand there and do that when he is picking
the kids up from school? Please don’t think
he listens to me when I say stuff like that. (The man
NEVER listens to me about ANYTHING!) It doesn’t worry him in the slightest. He does his own thing, no matter what I
say. He listens to me when he knows it
is important to me, but Marko has a mind of his own, and he does what he feels
is best.
It makes me cross sometimes; how stubborn and unpliable he is, but I
secretly love it. I love that he doesn’t take my crap. I love that he is his own man and I can’t
walk all over him. Even though I pretend
to moan, I need him to be just the way he is. He is perfect for me and I hope that I am perfect for him.
So, don’t feel sorry for him, at all. That man is the strongest man I know. He has to be, with a wife like me.
PS you DO know that I write for effect and I obviously caricature myself in a way that is far worse than reality? Right? I am bad, but not that bad.