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How annoying!!! Would be such a waste and seriously depressing that all this education could go to waste as such. There must be some kind of sponsorship somewhere. Out of curiosity what are the costs involved in sending his son to varsity?

Some info for the son: the eduloan offices are located at student admin at uwc. They give bursaries to deserving students. Also,he should contact the bursaries office at uwc. Eskom has a number of chemical engineering bursaries which include living and travelling costs,but he should hurry and apply as closing dates are coming up as soon as feb.

Egads...how sad. And I know they aren't the only ones facing and beating the odds they are up against. I'm hoping to hear better news for them soon.

And YAY for Harrison's ceiling! Impressive! Potty pics next, okay? Pinky-swear!

Some info for the son: the eduloan offices are located at student admin at uwc. They give bursaries to deserving students. Also,he should contact the bursaries office at uwc. Eskom has a number of chemical engineering bursaries which include living and travelling costs,but he should hurry and apply as closing dates are coming up as soon as feb.

From your link...perhaps worth pursuing

6. Where can I apply for university financing?

You may enquire at the Student Financial Aid Office in the foyer of the banking hall on the ground floor of the Administration Building or by calling their Help Desk at (021) 959 3114.

Apprenticeships are back - October 2007

Apprenticeships are back on the menu of the food and beverage manufacturing sector, and they are stronger and more incentivised than ever.

So significant are apprenticeships that the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev Seta) offered R30,000 in grants for a two-year apprenticeship for each candidate enrolled during 2006/7, and raised this in the current year to R60,000 for each unemployed learner enrolled on an apprenticeship.

Can be contacted on:
Postal Address: Box 81310, Parkhurst, 2120, South Africa.
Tel: +27-11-880-3682
Fax: +27-11-447-5128

Out of curiosity - how much does it cost to go to school in the programs they have chosen? I may have some resources to point them at.

I should have checked the fees first. I'll make a few calls quickly. Brb.

Hello, im new to your site...
im so glad there were some people like you who really think for the future of others who really worth for.

May our God Blesses you more

Elzr (a hardworking student)

Till Tertia knows more for sure, I believe the costs on the uni/varsity website were in the region of ZAR12-15000 (US$1700-2100)p.a. depending exactly the course, level and what not.

Quick update cos I am late for work!

Just called the Uni. Registration closes this Saturday!!! I didn't know. If he doesn't pay R3100 by this Saturday then he misses out for the year. R3100 is twice Harrison's monthly salary.

Once he is registered, he (we) can access the bursaries and grants available. Now I need to try get hold of him and find out if he is on campus. Shit. Can't believe registration closes this sat.

These are my scribbled notes. Will be back later.

All have to register by this saturday
Registration R3100

R13,000 per annum
Does not cover books

University admin cost R630

Need to apply for a bursary
Financially needy and academically doing well enough

Absa 4049604740
Payment to university of western cape , student number as reference


Chemical company Sasol has bursaries available for chemical engineering students. Applications should be submitted to Sasol no later than 31 May each year for the following academic year. More info at: http://www.sasolbursaries.com/sasol_internet/frontend/bursary/bsr_index.jsp?index=1&articleid=1

Maybe we can collect for his registration money in the mean time. He can not wait for the bursary / student loan to come through. Otherwise he loses a year.

What do you think? It is not that much money (R3 100, $ 443) if everyone contributes a little.

I would like to donate $20 Australian Dollars to Masende. What is the best way to get it to you? Do you have Paypal? Jackie

Perhaps Harrison's daughter could contact me and I'll see what I can do on the Food Technology side...

You have such a BIG heart! I love when you do these things!

Makes me believe in humanity again :) Read this too - http://takechargeofyourlife.blogspot.com/2008/01/what-do-you-really-need.html

(and well done on the kids not crying!!!)

Yes, do you have a paypal account, or what would be a good way to donate? I'm in the US, and I'm sure I could rally a few people here! Is it $443 US that he needs?

Have you explored the MyGenius community at all? Not as active in Cape Town as in Joburg but a seriously wonderful bunch of Saffas who are doing so much business networking and supporting of one another. I'm pretty sure you would be able to find some sort of lead there. In fact I'll cut and paste this post to a blog on My genius but you would do well to perhaps join the community as it might be useful for you in other ways.

See this link, if it allows you in. I don't visit the site often enough to keep a watch for any responses that may come in.


I'm in the US also and would contribute and could rally others as well.

ready to paypal when you say the word...

Sitting on ready to paypal before Saturday. Just let us know...K

I'd like to donate too! I can cover at least $25 American dollars and if I spread the word to family and friends, I'm sure we can cover it. I'll have to talk to my husband but we might be willing to front the whole amount till enough is collected via paypal. Does his daughter have enough to cover her tuition?

Email me!

Waiting for paypal info too. I'd be happy to help.

Please post the Paypal info, I will contribute.

Me too! Give us the info on donating and I will gladly do so.

So glad for the update on Harrison. I agree that his children who have worked so hard (they must get it from their Dad!) should have all opportunities they can get. Would love to contribute - just give the word as to how I can.

I'll contribute, you have so many people ready and willing, lets do it!

I will be glad to contribute. Just say the word...

also awaiting Paypal info.

Please read an open letter to Thabo Mbeki from anti-apartheid activist about the situation in SA.


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