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Isn't potty training the best? Skeeter always wants to flush Mega's poopies, too. It totally grosses me out since I learned that leaving the seat up when you flush can allow up to a 10 foot spray of fecal matter... It figures that my boys would be the ones who like to lean over the toilet and watch it go down!

You're not a bad blogger, either. :-)

I suppose it's better than the alternative, where they forget to flush, as a certain five year old I won't name still does on occasion.

Enjoy the festivities, and we will see ya later.

*sigh* Can you send some of those potty-vibes this way? At almost 3.5 years, we are in no way, shape or form interested in anything potty-related...lucky ME!

Ohhhh!!! How I long for those potty training days! It might be a pain but it's WAAAY better than 2 teenagers in the house! I am so unprepared; woke up this morning and reminded hubby about how when they were 3 and 7 (and even up until last year), we would hear and eruption of giggles in the passage, then they would run and jump on our beds to cuddle with us. I suppose it's just not cool to do that anymore at 13 and 16 (nearly 17).... too sad. Hope you guys are having a great Christmas Eve... bring on the vino!

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