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Har har har....

My son came through to the lounge with a tampon, at that age, when we had guests once and said, 'Mommy do need a stick for your wee?' (He called a willy/fanny a 'wee' in those days)



when I was a little kid, I was convinced that sanitary towels were for if you had a bad tummy!

Oh my!

Actually, there have been times when I've been hit with a stomach virus that her idea might have had merit (to plug things up! LOL). *blush*

If I were you, I would watch my backside. Never know when Kate-EE might decide you need a Tampon Enema! LOL

When I was small my Mum used to use the applicator Tampax and her friend used the non-applicator Lil-Lets. Me and my brother thought that meant my mum had a bigger fanny than her friend!

ha ha ha! At least you didn't have guests around when Kate EE made this discovery!

Kids...they definitely make you smile :)

Imagine what Marko would've done if she said that to him - ha ha ha!


I used to think they were for mom's who were incontinent :)

HAHAHAHA Too funny that one. At least you are not in a public bathroom. I was once with my son where he yells (loudly) " Good job going poops mom!" Gee, thanks sweetheart. We were potty training and I was happy when he did it and was using that language.

Oh, that is so classic!

Haha. When I was a kid I snuck one out of the bathroom cabinent and used it as a doorbell for my club house. My mom must have been so embarassed.

Out of the mouths of babes come the best of all things. :-)

At around age 2 1/2 my daughter once pulled out a tampon (still in its paper wrapper) and asked me what it was, and I said, "It's a tampon." She said, "no it's not, it's a lollipop!"

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