« How I really feel about this FET | Main | Things I am going to do once all this ‘trying for a baby’ shite is over: »


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Too early! Hang in there. Deep breathes and fertile thoughts to you.

Much love and care

Def too early. Thinking and praying (cos I do that) for you. Just keep those screamers of yours close by at all times.

I hope it's too early. I really hate to hear those dreadful FET stats when I read your posts -- makes me cringe -- are they really that bad? I mean, for me personally, FET's have had DREADFUL outcomes. But, my clinic's overall FET stats are so, SO much better than indicated by my personal experiences. (Of course I always fall on the "bad luck" side of things, naturally.)

Still hoping you can beat the odds this time. It may give me hope (although rare that I find hope in others' success, I feel you may be an exception to the rule) that our possibly last FET (#fucking4) will (maybe) work....

All the best to you Tertia.


(Off topic but a possible mini-project suggestion. I've been paging through your archives trying to track a past entry you made. How easy would it be to add an in-site search tool? I'm not succeeding in finding the post you did on the lady in the States who lost her husband to cancer. You had a picture of an african-theme candle as the request was to light a candle for them.)

Is it just me or do I see the faintest hint of pink in the other line area?
Maybe it's my computer screen or some kind of reflected light but ... hmmm
best of luck,

It's way to early.. You just had it done last week. WAY too early.

All my bits STILL crossed here - it IS very early so......

Is that a vague pink line? I used to agonise over that stupid test. I would even hold it up to a strong light just in case I was missing even just a very, very slight pink line.

It isn't fun.

It sucks BIG TIME.

Shall I send you a beautiful bottle of Australian wine just in case that blasted second line never appears. At least you can have some good wine for a change.

after the cover package, the hpt itself is a bit of a letdown. i expected it to be covered in roses, or to have potpourri sachets all over the place.

i have no idea if you're testing too early, or ??? , but i can read how "good" you are about all of this. xo

keep testing. hang in there.

I see a light pink line and a dark pink line. Am I hallucinating?

It's still early. I hope that's what it is.

I am going with the fact that it is way to early!!!!!!!!!

those HPT, are the worst things, why cant we resist the temptation to buy them!!!! would hate to know how much i have spent on them!!

My hubby and i always laugh, cause in our first year of marriage i was for some reason to shy to go buy pregnancy tests....... no 8 years later i dont really give a damn its part of the groceries now!! No time to be shy after what we go through on this infertility journey

Good luck! First time I'm leaving a comment on your blog even though I read it all the time! Just want to say all the best!

I think it is going to be positive.....You are in my prayers.

Also, I think we should send Tertia a care package of wines from all of her loyal readers from all over the world!! We could start her a great collection!!!!!!! She could show it off to all of her friends.

Positive thoughts all the way.................


Okay, how lame is it that I started squinting at the screen, trying to catch a hint of the other line?


Hey - that looks familiar!

But seriously, don't give up yet. It's way too early to do that.

SAME Andrea again,

Michelle; I second the wine motion!

Hang in there! I am in CT for business (live in JHB) until Monday and I'm sending extra special POSITIVE vibes, prayers,thoughts ...... you name it! They have less distance to travel - so theory is that they are stronger! has HAS to help!;-) Am so holding thumbs for you!

I am in the too early camp. Do you know the sensitivity of these tests?

Little story for you, short version. TTC for #1, 5 years, TONS of negative HPT's. Hate them things as in DISPISE. Never any good news from an HPT. IVF #4 for my son, no HPT's ahead of time, had a + beta that morning of 57. Had some left over and wanted to finally see a + on one of those stinking things. Do you that night it was negative! I was using a brand that measured about 150 HCG and I guess I was not up at that kind of level yet. Can you believe that? Here I was finally pg with a + beta and I still could not a second pink line on a flippin HPT.

Sending good thoughts to you and I am still hoping you are pg with 1 healthy baby. You two make beautiful babies. :)

I also squinted to see the faint pink line, and tried to see if the picture would enlarge, lol.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.

Pee sticks are evil, you know that! I hope that it's lying to you.

Tertia, When I need a pick me up regarding all things infertile I read this post:
I hope it brings you a couple of laughs while you are waiting. I spent years looking at those damn tests, I'm wishing the best for yours.

Fingers are crossed for you.

Prayers and positive thoughts (whichever you believe in) coming from me!

I read your blog for a long time and then got busy with my own life. What a pleasant surprise to check in and see what you are up to! Your wee ones are adorable. Thank you for sharing the journey that is your life.

WAY too early -- I didn't show a positive on my FET until 11 days past the transfer of 6-day blasts. And I took an HPT everyday (sometimes more) everyday, just like you're doing. Now, granted, that FET ended in a dangerous cervical ectopic pregnancy -- but, hey -- it's nice to have SOME drama for $7,000 US, right?!? Best of luck to you, dear Tertia . . . hope you get another screamer or two out of this!! :-P

Like Bonnie Raitt sang, "It's Too Soon To Tell..."

Way too early. Keep testing and try your best to relax. Sounds like you are preparing yourself correctly for either result. Hang in there.

Hi there

Love your blog, I am a fellow SA'can, now living in Canada. I have a friend who tried for 7 years to have a baby, then did IVF WITH ACCUPUNTURE and had twins. So have you given accupunture a thought, it does help!!!! You have nothing to lose.


I kept finding myself squinting and wanting to reach through the screen to take the test apart to hold it up to the light to see a really light second line that would indicate that you are indeed pregnant.

I'm on my 6th Injectibles IUI cycle and had my second insem. today. Lord help me because I'll be in your shoes in two weeks. Sigh.

I saw a line too but maybe evaporation line?

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