think I know at least part of that answer to the bean jar married sex question –
kids. It is very difficult to actually do the deed when you are (a) exhausted due to several nights in a
row of interrupted sleep and (2) when your toddler who has just moved into his
big boy bed wakes up 5 minutes into the most important part of your date night. I’d love to tell you more because it is quite
a funny story but some old spoilsport has banned me from talking about sex on
my blog. Pity.
instead, let me give you a little catch up of how things are around here.
Adam and the sleeping thing. We’ve taken
the cot down. No more cot. A sad
milestone. After two nights of me
hanging off the edge of a tiny single bed, my mother came up with an inspired
suggestion: push two single beds together! Brilliant. I can now sleep next
to him and have some actual space to sleep. I put a row of pillows between us and I hardly
notice he is there. Except for when he
kicks me or pats my face just to check I am still there and it isn’t Marko
lying next to him. Apparently no one
else is good enough, it has to be me. Yes folks, somehow I have ended up
spending most of my night sleeping next to Adam. Not v good for the romantic stakes but at
least everyone is getting some sleep. Well, some of us (me) are getting less than others but its better than
the crying and the performance.
a real pity. We had gone from saying ‘good
night, I love you’ and straight into the cot to “Mama sit with Adam”. I now have to sit with Adam while he falls
asleep. Again, not v good for the quality
time with your husband thing.
decided that it isn’t worth the stress, for myself or for Adam. He is not going
to want this forever (sob) and if it means I have to sit with him for 15
minutes while he falls asleep, that’s fine. As for the sleeping next to him thing, I am trying to decide whether I should
continue the bed swapping thing (I lie with him until he falls asleep and then I
go back to my own bed) or just give in and sleep next to him the whole
night. The bed swapping thing is a pain
because I end up swapping beds 3 or 4 times a night. Last night I went to sleep next to Adam, but
then when he started snoring (he has a cold), I got up and went to lie next to
Marko. Then he started snoring (grrrr). I
sweetly and softly suggested that perhaps he should roll over. Then Adam woke up an hour later, calling for
me. Back to his bed. Backwards and
forwards. Sigh. I live
in fear of when Kate moves into the big bed. I might never sleep again.
by the way, I have a question. Do you
think one feels less tired if you are a younger mom? I am really feeling old
and tired at the moment due to the lack of sleep, and I was wondering whether
it was easier for younger moms. Whether
they felt less tired because they were 25 and not a hundred years old like
outstanding issues:
Marko and I: Things are much better. I
am making a real effort to be loving and demonstrative and I definitely think
things are better. He seems happier
which makes me happy too. Win-win
situation. Date night is going well, we’ve
had two so far.
Harrison: He has his money and is overjoyed, THANK
YOU!!! I’ve told him to take lots of
pictures of the building process and he said he would. He bought some of the building material on
Saturday, so things are happening. Again,
thank you times a million.
Naked O: I am waiting for her! As soon as she sends me an update, it will go
up here, I promise.
/ Hardscrabble: She is keen to give us
an update as well, but is also totally swamped with work so has asked that we
tell her what we would like to know from her. So, post your questions and I will send them to her interview
style. Perhaps we could so the same for
Karen to make it easier for her to update?
my sinuses – cleared up! Thank
goodness. Next time I get a sinus
infection, I am going straight to physio. It really does help.
the FET – will start that in about three weeks time. Not feeling terribly
excited about it to be honest. So not
looking forward to the hormones. Blech. Can’t do a natural cycle
FET because have no natural cycle. BTW, I’ve
discovered the pill definitely DOES make you fat. I’ve been eating like a
bloody pig lately. Can’t stop. And then I
worked it out. It’s the pill! I’ve been on the pill for a month and a half
and in that time my appetite definitely has increased. V annoying.
brings up to gym. Actually, the gym
thing was a complete eff up. I’ll do that in a separate post. Got to run soon.
end off, I would love to have a conversation with you about many of the issues
you’ve raised in the comments section on various blog posts. So many interesting points of
discussion: the gender thing, the body
image thing, the boob thing….. But that
would require too much computer time and I really am trying to be good. But perhaps we can save it up and discuss it
I better be off and do some actual work. ‘Later dudes.