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Facebook is very addictive. And every time you think you have it beat, someone else adds you and you are right back on the addiction wagon. :)

Oh, I heart facebook...so great. See you online.

Unlurking to say that if you think Facebook is addicting, DO NOT try myspace....

My SIL got me into facebook. At first I thought it was blogging for dummies but it's actually a pretty cool way to hook up with people you haven't seen in years without all the ackward "sorry I never called" crap.

From personal experience, this now means you will never update your blog again. am very saddened to hear that :)
have fun on facebook!

I'm even more amused. I went to facebook to look you up, couldn't remember your last name, so I just searched Tertia. You are the first entry! :)
how does it feel to be famous? :)

Hmm I think it depends on what networks you are part of... you came up second in my search, looks like there's another Tertia in Vancouver. Like Katherine said, you're never going to find time to blog again!

I have been invited to Facebook by soo many people, wasn't sure if it was gonna turn out to be on of those creepy 'spaces'. Let me know how it turns out and I might just give it a bash. Am also busy on the internet (evil evil place to be), drinking champagne and thinking I should really be sleeping instead of reading blogs and cursing the Proteas :)

Hi, my name is Gina and I'm a facebook addict!
Welcome to the club.

I haven't gotten the Facebook bug yet, but my daughter got bitten and is loading all her photos from her trip to Europe (World Youth Day 2005) in her file. Good luck with your addiction...

Oh this just happened to me...people I haven't seen since grade school. Very crazy and yes very addicting!

JJ started a BBB on facebook. I've already invited you to join. You're going to get swarmed!

Lauren Wardell-Chambers

Blogs, adoption forums, foster newsboards...I'm addicted to them all! It's a good thing many of those links got blocked out at work or I'd get nothing done all day. :)

Have you tried StumbleUpon? I can't stop stumbling. Cool. Cool. Cool. I'm digging it......

facebook is sooooo addictive

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