Your generous response
has been overwhelming. It looks like we
will reach our target amount in less than 12 hours. Now!!! We've hit it already!! Am amount that would have taken Harrison literally years to save up himself. What an amazing bunch of people you are. You have no idea how much this is going to
mean to Harrison. With the $2000 he will get his toilet and his ceiling. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you. So much.
I mentioned to
Harrison that I would like to try and raise some money for him. I had to, because I wanted him to take photos
of his family, and I knew he would have to borrow a camera to do it. I told him I was going to try and raise around
$800. But I told him not to get his
hopes up. I wanted to surprise him. Boy is he going to be surprised!!!
As soon as the
$2000 is reached, I am going to close that campaign off and select the winners
of the hampers. Thank goodness for
Boulder’s brains. She knows some random
number generator thingy and is going to help me select the winners. If Skippy Sheila wins a prize, her hamper
will include a free pair of holeless knickers (broeks) to make up for the pair
she gave up in order to pay a few raffle tickets. Your cooter might be airy my friend, but you’ve
made a family in South Africa very happy. Thank you!
So, thank you
to all of you who participated. You’ve
done a good thing.
That one was
for necessity, now I would like to do one for love.
I’ve had so
many people ask me to extend the campaign, but somehow it didn’t feel right
changing the rules of the raffle after it has started. Even
if you participated purely because you wanted to help Harrison, and not because
of the prizes or the campaign total, it still felt wrong to change the target
amount. The amount was for the toilet
and the ceiling.
Now I would like
to do another campaign for love. To
raise extra money for Harrison and his family to do with it what ever he wants
There is so
much they can use the money for. An
extra room so that their children don’t all have to share one room. Furniture for their home. More beds so that
each child gets their own bed to sleep in. Food. Money for their eldest daughter
to finish her education: She is 21 years old and despite the challenges she has
faced has managed to finish her schooling and complete her first year of her
Food Technology degree. Can you imagine
living in a shack with no electricity and no running water and still managing
to finish school. Unfortunately she had
to leave college at the beginning of this year because her parents just don’t have
the money to pay the fees. (Our tertiary
education is self-funded, is yours? I know that in some countries the
government pays for tertiary education) She is currently working part time
cleaning someone’s house to save up towards finishing her degree.
Perhaps they
can use the money to buy school uniforms, or to buy carpets. Or new linen. Clothes or shoes. I don’t know, but this second campaign is
purely for the luxury of having a little extra money to do with it whatever
they want.
This second campaign will also be set at $2000. A five buck ticket again gets you the chance to win one of three extra hampers*.
Half of that
money will go to Harrison, and the other half to Nolene, whose shack burnt down two weeks ago, leaving her with nothing other than five
sheets of tin and tiny piece of land. There
are so many stories like these, that it makes me feel guilty for singling out
just one family. But I hope that it will
make a big difference in that one family’s life.
I’ll ask the kind Boulder to run a second campaign, once this total has been reached. That way we can finish off the first raffle and start the second one straight away. As soon as she wakes up, she will put the second campaign details up on this post.
Please watch this space for details of the new campaign. (WAKE UP BOULDER!!! I NEED YOU!!)
Here to help! (Most sincere apologies.) -Boulder
The reason why I can't do it myself, is that PayPal wont allow South African account holders to receive payments, grrrrrr! Poor Boulder has to do it for me, then pay the money across to my brother in the UK, who then has to pay the money across to me in South Africa and I will draw the cash for Harrison. He doesn't have a bank account, he can't afford the bank charges. Bank charges are horrific in this country, making formalised banking inaccessible to the poor. Don't worry, I wont put him at risk by making him walk around with all the cash at once. I'll give it to him in amounts he feels safe carrying around.
Thank you again
for what you have done. I am so
emotional about this. You are proof that my
faith in mankind is justified.
Buy your raffle ticket here.
*My brother
who lives in London has given me strict instructions on what to include in the
hamper …. All the things South Africans
really miss when they are overseas. Real
South African fare:
Mrs Balls (Chutney
is wicked on anything!)
Ghost-pops (crisps)
Nik-naks (crisps)
peppermint crisps (Chocolate bar)
Steers seasoning salt/ BBQ sauce (If you’ve had it you’ll know what i am
talking about)
Woolworths biltong (like beef jerkey)
Fanta grape
cream soda
Ouma`s rusks (umm no explanation)
home sick now...
(as per LondonMisfit's suggestion, Tempos and Bar Ones as well)
How much do these transactions cost you in fees? Maybe one could set the goal a bit higher, just to cover your extra expenses?
Posted by: Ute | 27 March 2007 at 09:11 PM
PS: I already _have_ your book. Two copies, actually, in case I want to read it twice. *g* (Nah, one copy's for my gynaecologist. He has your sense of humour and I bet he's going to love it.)
Posted by: Ute | 27 March 2007 at 09:14 PM
So glad Harrison will get his ceiling and his toilet! Looking forward to the next phase of the campaign, when Boulder awakes... And I definitely want your book - if it was available in the US I would have already bought it!
Posted by: silene | 27 March 2007 at 09:29 PM
It was a simple decision to make - to give. What is $5.00 to me? A cup of coffee? A blip on the radar of our finances? You are right that the difference in standard of living is staggering and it's not often that there's the ability to make even a tiny adjustment at the personal level. Thank you.
Posted by: Suz | 27 March 2007 at 09:49 PM
So, can I still give $$ for Nolene and Harrison? I can not figure out how to give for the second raffle and it looks like that goal ahs been met as well! How about increasing the goal?
Posted by: Stacy | 27 March 2007 at 09:55 PM
Since the link isn't working yet, you can copy and paste into your address bar. Ooooh.. For all those who already HAVE the book, would love to buy it off you if you win another one. Hehe.
Posted by: Kayla | 27 March 2007 at 10:36 PM
What wonderful people you have as friends. Each and every one of them.
Have you decided what us Se'fricans can do to help??? I would love to get PnP vouchers but not sure how to get them to you????
Let us know please.
Posted by: Gina | 27 March 2007 at 10:56 PM
T-You are truly a star! Was sad that I missed the first campaign for Harrison, but glad you are having a second one so that I may participate! Got your book when I was in SA this past September. Planning to go this August and am willing to bring back some books for those in the States. Just drop me an email.
Posted by: kate | 27 March 2007 at 10:57 PM
Thanks for adding in the second raffle! Any hints on how non-Americans can buy tickets? I went to the link and tried to buy tix using my VISA card, but the address field only had US details and I live in Canada so I couldn't complete the form. Is there another way to do this? Thanks!
Posted by: Tracey Denofreo | 27 March 2007 at 11:13 PM
Kalahari will ship books internationally:
I got the book from there as well. (I live in Germany.) It took about 3 weeks.
Posted by: Ute | 27 March 2007 at 11:16 PM
Thanks for doing this Tertia. It's a powerful reminder of how much DIFFERENCE one person can make!
Posted by: Julie | 27 March 2007 at 11:39 PM
I was out all day and missed getting in on the first raffle. DAMN! I finally have a credit card and was able to jump in on this one. I REALLY want to win your book! Oh, and helping Harrison made me feel good too! What's $10.00 anyway? One less hour I pay the babysitter this week....
Good job Tertia. I bet doing this is making you feel warm and fuzzy just when you need it most.
{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Posted by: Suzie-Q. | 27 March 2007 at 11:55 PM
T, you are doing SUCH a great thing here. Help these kids with their education and surely the whole world will benefit. Thank you for doing this!
Posted by: Tav | 28 March 2007 at 12:09 AM
Yay! So glad you put up another raffle to enter. What's a hamper? Is it the same thing we have here to put laundry in? You should post some pictures!! If by some chance I win the only thing I want is the book and maybe a few chocolates, feel free to donate the rest to whoever you see fit :)
Posted by: smashinglady | 28 March 2007 at 12:18 AM
One word: Tisers.
So glad you're doing another raffle. So very glad to be able to help Harrison.
Posted by: millie | 28 March 2007 at 12:25 AM
This is my first post! I think this is a wonderful thing to do. I just recently found your blog so this is the first thing I have been able to contribute to. I missed the first one earlier today while working. So glad I could contribute to this one. I wish I could get a copy of the book. I went to the kalahari website, but the currency is obviously not american dollars so I'm not sure how that works.
Posted by: Heather | 28 March 2007 at 01:38 AM
Tertia - I spent a few weeks in SA in 1996, and saw a lot of people like Harrison, and this campaign of yours has really touched me. I'm glad to help out, in the hopes that he can do a little something extra - if not a luxury, help him fund yet another necessity that he just can't get to.
And while I'd be thrilled to win a raffle, I *really* want to know when I can get a copy of your book here in the US!!!
Posted by: laura | 28 March 2007 at 01:57 AM
I just got the book today-- a colleague of colleague of my boss sent it to me from SA. I started reading it immediately, of course. But I will take the autographed copy-- after all, there is already a line to borrow the one I got. If I win another one, I will pass the one I have now on.
I missed the raffle yesterday-- didn't get to check the blog. So glad I caught this one.
Posted by: JuliaKB | 28 March 2007 at 02:01 AM
I want the book! Can you send it to me in Alaska? ;) I just recently decided I had to give up my daily latte at $3 a pop cause I can make one at home. So, here's my la-la-latte money ~ honey!
Thanks for doing this! It's a great idea to help one family at a time! Tam
Posted by: Tam | 28 March 2007 at 03:27 AM
Hamper= basket with assorted goodies in it
Posted by: sakoro | 28 March 2007 at 03:38 AM
Tertia, you are truly amazing.
To take what you've been through this month and turn your pain and loss in to something so positive - it's really awe inspiring.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for the win (I really want to read your book!) on one of the tickets I bought for the campaigns. If my luck is as usual though, I'll plan to order it online...any word on getting it on to US Amazon?
Posted by: Melissa | 28 March 2007 at 04:57 AM
Funny you mention the book! I was going to say, if I win (yeah sure, that will happen!) don't worry sending a hamper to Australia (postage will be huuuge), I'd be happy with just the book! Although "Mrs Balls" sounds fascinating...
I'm sure no-one is that concerned about the prize, it just feels nice to help. And to support someone who cares about the plight of others less fortunate.
Posted by: Jodie | 28 March 2007 at 05:50 AM
We are students currently enrolled in the Villanova Business School and are conducting a consumer survey for our product for our Management class. We have created an "On the Go" diaper, which would serve as regular disposable diaper, but would have an additional removable pouch on the front containing a prepackage of 3-5 wipes and a glove. We created this product in hopes of simplifying the task of changing a baby's diaper while outside the home and also to eliminate the hassle of bringing a diaper bag everywhere. Please take a couple minutes to fill out our survey. Thank you very much!
Posted by: FutureNova | 28 March 2007 at 06:16 AM
What a great way to take the awfulness of a miscarriage and make it into something beautiful! So glad you gave us all the chance to help. Sarge and I send our very best wishes to Harrison and his family! My mom has a degree in Food Technology so we are rooting this young girl on from afar.
Posted by: Flicka | 28 March 2007 at 06:34 AM
So glad we have the ability to help your friend get the bare necessities for his new home...sadly, something that most of us take for granted everyday. God bless you for thinking of the idea and allowing us to help.
Posted by: Casey | 28 March 2007 at 07:17 AM
I'm very pleased you didn't add an "h" to your description of my cooter.
If I win, will Harrison sign my new knickers?
Posted by: Skippy | 28 March 2007 at 08:34 AM
Just donated but don't worry about entering me into the raffle....will just raid Paul's care package when he gets it ;-) (although all of the things that he listed as missing them we buy on a weekly basis from the SA store round the corner!!!)
Posted by: Martina | 28 March 2007 at 03:44 PM
Just donated but don't worry about entering me into the raffle....will just raid Paul's care package when he gets it ;-) (although all of the things that he listed as missing them we buy on a weekly basis from the SA store round the corner!!!)
Posted by: Martina | 28 March 2007 at 03:48 PM
I just donated too. You are channeling your grief into something amazing.
I am another American who cannot wait to get a copy of your book! What's that status on that?
Posted by: Jennifer | 28 March 2007 at 05:32 PM
Thank you for doing this Tertia -- I admire the way you step outside yourself to help the other people around you, both on the internets and in real life.
Posted by: sharah | 28 March 2007 at 08:33 PM
oh don't forget to include 'jelly tots' in those hampers!!
Posted by: kate | 29 March 2007 at 06:58 AM