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You know, I also suggested name badges in January and Mike made a good point. The idea is to find out who people are and chat to them. I agree with you about how this is the first CT 27dinner and it may be that the format should change to suit the CT crowd. I don't think blaming Mike and others for disappointing experiences is the answer. If you are in the community then really be part of it and help make the next one more enjoyable!

Yeah, I hate the Capetown vs Johburg thing too. I mean, what's to compare anyway... (oops). I wasn't there, but you're tickling my interest now! Gotta go next time. But if there's long speeches, there better be tall drinks.

Hee hee. To quote my esteemed colleague, no publicity is bad publicity.

I honestly think I'd like CT so much more if I could have my family down there with me. I shit you not, Tersh, I battle to enjoy it without them bundled with some of the experiences I've had (forget 27, me and Dave had the most bizarre couple of days. Really, really, bizarre).

Here's a confession nobody knows. I tell you cos you're my BFF. CT and I have history. Long before I was ever a geek wannabe, CT and I had issues. It's not an easy place to go to, for me. That's all I can say. It's wrong of me to project that on it's people but try understand some of the misdirected pain. I apologise if I offended you. You're one of the things that makes CT nicer to go to all the time :P


Ummmm.... what's a chirp?

Ahhh, yes. We should have had some good Stormhoek, Tersh, but it wasn't to be. We'll definitely chat more in future.

I cannot agree more on the issue of Mike and Dave getting flack for something they did out of love. It cost nobody nothing. Eating was not compulsory, wine was free, speakers was free, venue was free, attending was free. Yet it seems as if Mike and Dave cost some geeks TONS of money. WTF is up with that?!?! I don't really get it. I agree with the topics of speakers. It is fine having more geeks talking a bunch of encrypted acronymns. Then every non-technical person in the room would have felt left out. Imagine you have to sit through half an hour/hour of me talking about how great the Code Igniter MVC Framework is! :-O Boring is not the word... At least the speakers that did deliver, delivered something that everyone could grasp.

Thanks for the balanced commentary Tertia. It really was so cool to have you there, even though our interactions were curtailed by the long talks. Loved the interview though!

For those of us non-SA bloggers, what's a "chirp"? I'm not up on that lingo.

T you gorgeous creature! So fab to see you at the dinz, thank goodness we were sensible enough to spend some of the speechtime outdoors :-P

1. the ratio of effort to awesome connections at the dinners is always worth it (thankfully I didn't do anything other than the presentation of everyone's blogs this time) but having organised them b4 I promise it's not a fraction of putting a kiddies birthday party together!

2. Lots of attention means that people give a damn. What would hurt would be if it were so BLAND that no-one bothered to put their names on for the next one (which is beyond halfway full already). It was a success.

3. As a Jozigal who joyfully lives in CapeTown and a geekgal who plays in the marketing space I'm lucky in getting the best of both worlds here and appreciate that neither side can function well without the other. So as long as we can keep our good humour >>
we'll soon have the beginnings of a tech-culture where we can leverage our success from each others different worlds, talents and networks (especially those with badass ones like an IBMer we know & love ;-)
mmm.. we can live local & work global (jozi or cape town of course) happily ever after
What a delicious thought!

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