I remember back when
I studied for my MBA. I did it part
time. I was working full time and I had
to attend classes on a Saturday and Monday night. The rest of the weekend was usually spent
studying or working on some assignment. When I wasn’t drinking. What? If motherhood isn’t going to put me off my wine, do you think a piddly
little MBA is going to?
There was so much
to cram into one weekend with studying etc and I remember thinking at the time ‘what
on earth did I do with my weekends before this MBA?’ (Hint: wine drinking, partying, sleeping,
socializing etc)
Well, it is
05:00am on a Monday morning and I am up early so that I could answer some
personal emails before my working week starts. Weekends are unbelievably busy with the kids. Weekends are all about the kids. Besides the activities we do (this weekend we
had something on every day), the daily routine of eating / dressing / nappy
changes / naps / baths etc makes the days fly by.
This weekend we
went for breakfast and a little play at a sweet outside mall. The kids love it there because there are
little water fountains and pebble ponds, so they can run around and be silly. The bonus is, I get to sit for about 4 minutes
at a time, until I have to get up to say ‘don’t touch the wires / get down from
Then into the
shop to buy nappies and formula (yes, my kids are still on formula, at least it
is one semi-nutritious meal they have. We are going through a rebellious phase
where they will only eat spag bol for supper) and home for a nap. Sat afternoon we had a kiddie party on, then
on to my mom’s house for a swim. Back home
for supper (spag bol), bath, bottle and bed and wine for mom.
Sunday morning
off to the play place where I can sit for at least five minutes at a time because
there are helpers there who love my kids (I’ve already asked the one teenager
if she didn’t want to come live with us, the kids adore her). Longer than five minutes I am summonsed to ‘mama
come look’ or ‘mama come ride da bike’ Mama is too big my boy, I can’t ride the
bike. ‘Ride da bike mama, ride da bike’. Ok then.
Back for a wash
in the kitchen sink, something to eat, nap. Sunday afternoon off to the mall to get
groceries and a mini ‘walk around the mall’; stop at the horses on the way back
to feed them ‘cawwots’ (GREAT excitement to do this), back home to attempt to
feed them a chicken dish which they refused. Throw entire dish away, make two
minute noodles, spend 10 minutes persuading them to eat it, then bath, bottle
What on earth did
I do on weekends before I had kids?
(Hint: Slept in, relaxed, READ BOOKS, had alone
time, worked, spent hours in coffee shop with husband, not getting up once. Ate
entire meals slowly, warm and in peace. Studied for an MBA. Did egg retrievals, embryo transfers. Recovered
in hospital after laparoscopies, D&C’s and losses. Hoped, cried, yearned. Ached.)
Yeah. My weekends are unbelievably hectic, and I wouldn't swap it for the world.
Oh Tertia! Didn't anyone ever tell you about the Toddler Air Diet? Where they seem to subsist on AIR for days at a time.
Or else, maybe you haven't been informed about the White Food Group? Where toddlers (and some adults I know) will only eat WHITE food, white pasta, white rice, white bread, white cheese. I can even get my 27 m/o to eat cauliflower (because it's WHITE).
Good luck - this too shall pass.
Posted by: Sheri Bheri | 19 February 2007 at 03:39 PM
What a beautiful post! I feel exactly the same way since we adopted our son. I sometimes wonder how I spent all that time before him, how many hours I had all to myself and how I actually had time to have that thing I used to call a "hobby". LOL.
But now it's better. Much better. :-) I look forward to my Saturday afternoon 3 hour "dates" with my husband where we can be together while our son is enjoying himself with his grandparents. But you know what? Even though I have a great time with my DH, I can't help but miss my son so much those 3 hours. Isn't motherhood the greatest thing?
Posted by: Carmen | 19 February 2007 at 04:32 PM
Tertia, I was so sad to see that Rose did not pass her Learner's Permit exam. I was thinking of her all weekend. Please tell her not to give up. I know she can do it! Please tell her that your readers are rooting for her!
Posted by: vvictoria | 19 February 2007 at 08:49 PM
"where they will only eat spag bol for supper"
i can think of worse things to subsist on - at least it contains most of the major foodgroups (if not all), as well as tomatoes (excellent anti-oxidants). don't worry about it :)
Posted by: jen | 19 February 2007 at 11:24 PM
I know. This weekend we had a Chinese New Year party for my son's toddler group, a birthday party for one of my daughter's friends, and my DH and I argued over whether Malificent had any right to be slighted that she wasn't invited to Sleeping Beauty's christening, he arguing that it was rude of them to invite everyone but her and I arguing that maybe Malificent needs to explore with her therapist why she doesn't get invited to parties in the first place. What did we do and argue about before kids? Probably the reason I can't remember is that it wasn't nearly as fun.
Posted by: Carol | 20 February 2007 at 02:13 AM
Tertia. you write what i think. thank you.
Posted by: cath | 20 February 2007 at 07:39 AM
This last week-end wasn't too bad as far as 'stuff' was concerned. Which is just further proof of the universe's sense of humour because as of yesterday, my 8 month old twins, my husband and my sisters live-in-boyfriend ALL have chicken pox. And as if that isn't bad enough, my sister seems to be getting shingles! *sigh* clearly this week-end will be a different story.
So wish that we were back in SA enjoying the sunshine rather than holed up in the UK through the grey winter :-)
Glad to hear you're back in high spirits Tertia hun.
Posted by: Alley | 20 February 2007 at 01:09 PM
Can't wait to see where you are in a few years when you have school activities, sports and the like going on.
This is just the beginning, my friend!
Posted by: Judy | 20 February 2007 at 03:08 PM
I loved the ending to this post. Beautiful.
I was amazingly efficient when I got my part-time MBA as well. That is nothing compared to now!
Posted by: Jennifer | 20 February 2007 at 05:14 PM
I *used* to think I was busy, too.
Posted by: JennyK | 21 February 2007 at 02:38 AM
What in the world is "spagh bol?" Sounds like my weekends.
Posted by: Liza | 21 February 2007 at 03:50 PM