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tee (and readers) i know janine (and her gorgeous boys) and she is fantastic. i remember the day her boys were born, her husband sent out an email, "the canham boys are here!" and a few weeks from now, sam and josh will be screaming proudly, "look, mummy is here!" as she crosses the finish line. well done janine. thanks from the rest of the queen mary nicu parent survival team.

I'm very glad that people like bliss are out there. My son was born prem and it could have been prevented but I recieved wrong info from my medicalaid helpline, if I had gone to hospital instead of staying home and having my belly and back rubed by my husband (this was there advice)- the worst thing I could have done as it stumulated the labour. But I was ignorant and a first time mom, so didn't know better. As a result by the time I got to hospital it was in full swing, they tried for 4 days to stop it but eventualy I had to go in for emergency C-section. To all mothers of prem babies my hart is with you, there was nothing worst than not being able to hold my baby, and having to watch a machine breath for him. I didn't know and was not informed about groups like this but I would have been first in line...

Does anyone know if we can donate in US$?

You can make donations online by credit card, so your home currency will not matter. Your card will be charged in pounds but you will pay your credit card in whatever you generally pay with (dollars, rand, etc.)

this is a great cause! my son was born prematurely!

Go girl go! Only 53 days to go! ;-) I will be cheering you on from HK waiting for Matt's text! Will donate soon, no worries!

Even though I am lucky that my children are all fine but I got a friend who has a son who was born premature. By the stories she told me it's not easy to raise a premature baby. With all the problems that ordinary children do not have, they need all the support they will ever get.

Many thanks for all the supportive comments. Every little bit helps and means a lot.


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