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I'd love to join in and/or help out with arranging etc.
Let me know.

Absolutely fantastic idea. I will help. Obviously. Phoning you now. xxx

I wish I could come but alas, Sarge won't allow me to buy a ticket to SA. Very childish of him, I think. I hope you all have a lovely time, though!

Perhaps you could charge one extra ront (?) per person and raise enough ronts to fly me over...
(BTW... what is a ront?)

I like the JHB idea. I'd come just to meet you.

Perhaps you could do a book signing tour at the same time? Just for, you know, more publicity?? :D

And free wine??!!??

Super idea!

Hope there will be one when I am next in CT visiting CFC (planning Apr/May).

If there is someway I can help, pls let me know how.

Wonderful idea!! When do u want the preferences from the masses??

That is a fantastic idea. I have been composing an e-mail to you for quite some time now and have never gotten around to sending it - would love to meet you and chat to you in person.

As for the preferences, Saturday lunch (with wine please!) would be great, but I am not that fussed as long as we could have wine. Looking forward to this.

Also wouldn't mind giving you a hand if you like.

Would be fantastic to get together.
Sat lunch or an evening is fine for me.
Perhaps an idea is to begin without partners and then include as the group decides.
Let me know if I can help book a restaurant - northern, southern, or city bowl?

Great idea....like you read minds.
Sat breakfast my vote (croissant appeals even more than wine, esp since the latter is off limits for at least half the month these days...), monthly, husbs/partners sometimes, speakers too. Sooner the better!

A big resounding absolutely definitely YES PLEASE! for Durbs. A yummy Sunday brunch would be great for two reasons... 1) I'm one of the 'no alcohol' TTC variety; and 2) I know of many other TTC's who work Saturdays that would LOVE to be there.

Great idea! How about Northern suburbs or a wine farm. You know - straight at the source! Saturday morning or lunch would suit me best. Poplar's in Durbanville jumps to mind, or Fairview just outside Paarl (too far?). Please let me know if there is anything I can do?

Hi Tertia
From one of those who contacted you previously but haven't yet managed to meet up - what a great idea! I know of others in CT who'd be equally keen. Personally I'd vote for lunch with wine, Saturday, northern suburbs, but I'll go with majority vote. Can we do this soon!? I'd be happy to help in any way.

Great. Now I have to come up with the money for another cycle AND a plane ticket to SA? Sheesh.

Sounds like a great plan, T - I hope this flies and you all have a wonderful time together.

Sounds like a great idea. I vote for Saturday lunch.

I will love this.

Excellent idea, where do i sign up?

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