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Posted on 22 December 2006 in Adam and Kate | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
Does any one
actually ever use their foot spa thingy? I feel like getting myself one for Christmas,
but am not sure I will make good enough use of it. Sounds fabulous, but I can just imagine me
trying to persuade the kids that this is for mommy’s feet and not a swimming
pool / play pond / receptacle for any of your toys. Impossible.
Posted on 21 December 2006 in Meaning of life stuff | Permalink | Comments (67) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Christmas, foot spas, gifts
Posted on 21 December 2006 in Adam and Kate | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
(If you do not live in South Africa, most of this probably
will be of zero interest to you)
My New Best Friend Mike had a bit of work done on his site. I really, really like it. Nice and simple. A lot like Mike actually. Only joking! Love you etc! (Clap clap) I feel like a bit of a change as well. I do like my old look, but a change is always good. Keep things fresh and interesting. It will mean a new masthead and layout etc, but it will be good. I feel like some clean lines, a bit of minimalism. Now to find someone to do it! Might ask the dude who did Mike’s site. I think he did a spectacular job
On a more serious note, I know you have all been worried sick, but Karen of the Naked Ovary fame is absolutely spectacularly fine. I am quite sure that when she manages to tear herself away from her very gorgeous daughter and quite-bloody-hot husband (have you seen how hot her husband is!!), she will let you all know what her future plans are. In the meantime, fret not dear hearts, she is having a fabulous time.
Posted on 19 December 2006 in Adam and Kate, Blogging Blah Blah, Stuff about South Africa | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (2)
Tags: Blogging, Cape Town, social networking, South Africa, Stormhoek
Blogging is an absolutely enormous phenomenon and growing hourly. In fact, it is growing every second. Technorati, one of the foremost blogging tracking tools, said the following in its April 2006 report:
New blog creation continues to grow. Technorati currently tracks over 75,000 new
weblogs created every day, which means that on average, a new weblog is created
every second of every day - and 19.4 million bloggers (55%) are still posting 3
months after their blogs are created. That's an increase both absolute and
relative terms over just 3 months ago, when only 50.5% or 13.7 million blogs
were active. In other words, even though there's a reasonable amount of tire-kicking
going on, blogging continues to grow as a habitual activity.
Posted on 17 December 2006 in Blogging Blah Blah | Permalink | Comments (34) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Blogging, blogs, mommy bloggers, Technorati
If you haven't ever read my sister's blog before, please go have a look. She does amazing work, often on her own. Go give her some virtual love please. And if you are a fellow happy-clapper, perhaps some of those prayer thingies as well.
Some photos I took of her guest room where she makes the bags for the new moms:
More reading on Bosom Buddies here and here. Random info on the hospital here.
Posted on 16 December 2006 in Stuff about South Africa | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: charity, South Africa
Marko had his office’s End of Year function yesterday afternoon / evening (not v PC to call it a Christmas function). It was going to be the first time I had officially met the people he works with. An hour before I was about to leave, I was on the phone to the helpdesk trying to sort out access issues (helpdesk conveniently located in India), on chat to my boss (conveniently located 1200km’s away from me – only joking, love my new boss) and busy trying to open a packet of sweets (candy) with my teeth. As I ripped the packet open with my teeth, I suddenly felt a ‘snap’ and a sharp rush of pain. My fucking porcelain crown had snapped off my front tooth! Beautiful. I am about to meet Marko’s entire staff compliment with no front tooth.
Posted on 16 December 2006 in All about me | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Cape Town, South Africa
Hmm. So. The Fluoxetine (Prozac) thing did not work out for me. Horrible side effects, aching jaw, anxiety, general yuckiness. Called shrink, told him about it and said that my darling blog readers suggested I try Wellbutrin. He agreed and off I limped to the pharmacy to get the new pills. Starting off at half a pill for 7 days, then 1 pill for 7 days, then a pill and a half, building up to two pills a day. I am just about to start my two-pills-a-day phase. Wellbutrin is supposed to have the least side effects (although you did warn me that it might increase my anxiety if I am prone to anxiety, so far not too bad on that front) and that it has winner libido non-dampening effects. Win-win situation – me happy, Marko scores.
Posted on 15 December 2006 in All about me | Permalink | Comments (42) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: antidepressants, depression, Prozac, Wellbutrin
Am featured in
this month’s Oprah magazine (January 2007) – South African version. As soon as the next issue comes along, I’ll
scan in the article and put it up here. They probably wouldn’t be too impressed if I
did it now.
G&D pic huh!
This was the second choice pic for the feature - like this one too. Amazing what a bit of good lighting and skilled photography can do. (and not even photoshopped!!)
Posted on 14 December 2006 in Book stuff | Permalink | Comments (36) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 'So Close', infertility, Tertia Albertyn
Posted on 13 December 2006 in Work Life | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (0)