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Uh-oh- that could mean anything... Lucky you don't display post times.

Having said that, your boss sounds cool.

I think I'd like to buy your boss a drink!



Eeks...that'll chill your coffee for a moment! Tee hee!

Too funny. At least it sounds like you won't get Dooced!


Too funny! Sounds like a boss with a sense of humor!

Awesome! I think that means you'll get a big raise.

If I had a blog I probably would have been fired upon my boss reading it!!! So funny!


At least if my boss based my appraisal on my blog, he'd be judging what I actually DO at work.

Just kidding, boss!

Kinda not!

Good thing you do not post about your boss, or, any days you take off from work....

That's what happens when you become not-so-rich and famous... Everyone wants to read your blog (they even announced on the tv show that you had one of the top blogs in SA, now everyone will be tuning in to check out what all the fuss is about) Soon, you'll have your own radio talk show, then you'll become a newscaster, then, before you know it, you'll be giving Jay Leno, David Letterman and Oprah a run for their money...

Your boss scares me.

As long as he doesn't expect you to do any work....

Maybe you shoud say lots of really nice things about him!

what a great boss!

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