Barring a world event / natural disaster / something more newsworthy..... the Carte Blanche show should maybe hopefully might go out this Sunday. MNet 7pm. Am v v nervous about it. Will try and get it uploaded to YouTube. But only after I've seen what it's like.
Have a big work do on tonight, am leaving early for root touch up and blow job. Have new frock to wear. Should look v gorgeous. It better stop raining, or else blow job will be all for naught.
PS Happy Thanksgiving etc.
PPS Have I mentioned how fucking nervous I am about appearing on national TV? I think I am going to go lie down for a while.
Have a fab time! Make sure you post up pics of you looking G&D at the work do!
Posted by: Jen | 24 November 2006 at 12:33 PM
But not soooo nervous you might poo, right?
You will be great, utterly wonderful, I have no doubt whatsoever.
Posted by: Alchemilla | 24 November 2006 at 01:51 PM
You are such a celebrity... you are sharing your show with Prince Andrew! Cool!
Break a leg, T.!
Posted by: Suzie-Q. | 24 November 2006 at 04:18 PM
A blow job? I assume you mean you're getting your hair done, right? Smirk!
Posted by: margalit | 24 November 2006 at 08:19 PM
Good Luck!
Posted by: Deirdre | 24 November 2006 at 10:54 PM
Good luck hon! You're bound to come off as G & D.
Posted by: Sara | 25 November 2006 at 09:41 AM
Hey, Cool show. Nice to see the story after reading the book :)
Posted by: Marc | 27 November 2006 at 08:01 AM
Hi Tertia
A friend of mine gave me your book to read - not that I am infertile (who knows maybe I am, Im 34 and never had a child - never tried too). She encouraged me to read it as her baby is from a frozen embryo (second attempt). I also read your book as I have another friend who has been through several IVF's with no success and who is now going the adoption route. I read the book for an understanding of what she must be going through. What an eye opener - thanks for sharing your story, your life, your hurt, your joy. Your book and piece on Carte Blanche was great, so real, so sad, so rewarding.
All the best
Posted by: Michelle | 27 November 2006 at 08:30 AM
Hi there
Just wanted to say that i love watching your piece. I have yet to read your book. Very inpiring.
Posted by: Shamila | 28 November 2006 at 07:21 AM