The TV show last
night was absolutely amazing. Way better
than I hoped for. I couldn’t sit still
before the show, I was so nervous it would come across as naff or boring, but
it was so tastefully done. I am so
My mother came
across brilliantly, as did my sister and best friend. But the real star of the show was Marko. He was outstanding. No one is ever going to believe me again when
I say that he is not a big chatter or a very emotional person. He was so genuine and so wonderfully eloquent. And he looked DAMN HOT.
But the best thing
about the show was that it was a beautifully moving tribute to Ben. When Ben died, I was too distraught to have a
memorial service. I was barely able to
put one foot in front of the other, and I knew I wouldn’t cope with having even
one more ounce of emotion. And I didn’t
want to be parted from his memory box and his ashes. It was the only thing I had left of him.
And then, a few
weeks later we did that last IVF and I got pregnant. And then it was the high
risk pregnancy, the first hectic year of twins, the book and I never got to
have that memorial service. Although it
sounds strange if you haven’t seen the show, last nights programme felt like
the perfect tribute to my son. It was so
amazingly done. I am so pleased that the
producer put this together, it is something I am going to treasure forever, and
something I am going to show Adam and Kate when they are ready to see it. So beautifully done.
Thank you Carol,
thank you thank you thank you. You are
brilliant. You did such a great job on
the show. Words just aren’t enough to
thank you for what you did. It was an
excellent show.
Phew. What an emotional time it has been. We are all exhausted.
**For a full transcript of the show, see here. I will also try get it uploaded to YouTube ASAP.
In memory of Ben, 4 January 2004 – 14 January 2004
Congratulations gorgeous!
Posted by: Sara | 27 November 2006 at 01:01 PM
I have been an avid ready of your blog. I am inspired and amazed at your stories and your open honesty. The show last night was great and did your story justice. I feel like I know you so well. You are a great person. Well done
Posted by: Yvonne | 27 November 2006 at 01:09 PM
It was a wonderful show. I cried again for Ben, and for the first time Arthur understood why I'm so emotional about the book. Marko had Derek Watts on the verge of tears, and that's a man has seen and heard a lot of life stories. Your babes looked so, so beautiful and in the end it made one feel so happy for all the moms in the world, and it keeps one hoping for all those still trying.
Posted by: Michelle | 27 November 2006 at 01:24 PM
Wow - I hope you get it uploaded soon, I'd love to see it!
Posted by: Judy | 27 November 2006 at 03:00 PM
Can't wait to see it on YouTube!! :) I'm so glad you are happy with it. But, what does chuffed mean? :)
Posted by: Pam | 27 November 2006 at 03:43 PM
I'm so happy for you, Tertia. I look forward to seeing it on YouTube!
Posted by: Beth | 27 November 2006 at 04:57 PM
Amazing. I really can't wait until your book is available world-wide.
Posted by: JennyK | 27 November 2006 at 05:31 PM
I need your book now. I have to have it. you are incredible.
Posted by: Amber | 27 November 2006 at 05:51 PM
Well done all of you! Thanks for posting the text, it's very interesting to read and imagine the impact with pictures as well. Condensed and summarized so much, it's a very powerful story.
I'm so glad it all turned out the way you had hoped.
And yes, I hope to buy a copy of your book in Canada one day.
Posted by: SheilaC | 27 November 2006 at 06:18 PM
It was a brilliant show. I dont leave comments but I had to this time. I was in tears, you truly are an inspiration. Your hubby and co. were great and the kids looked just adorable with those cute smiles.
Posted by: S-still trying. | 27 November 2006 at 06:27 PM
The transcript sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see the Youtube.
Looking forward to buying "So Close" in the US, too...
Posted by: Rhonda | 27 November 2006 at 07:14 PM
Excellent - the show was amazing. You and Marko were brilliant. All day I had people coming up to me at work saying they saw the IVF story on Carte Blanche last night and thought of me. So for once I didn't feel like the "freak who has had 6 IVFs" all thanks to you. Also had tears in my eyes for your darling Ben - it was all done so beautifully! Well done!
Posted by: Trish | 27 November 2006 at 07:17 PM
Yes I agree, it was an excellent show. I just cried, and cried when you spoke about Ben. Especially because both Ben and Mark weighed 920g at birth. Very emotional!
Posted by: Heike | 27 November 2006 at 07:30 PM
unlurking for just a sec to tell you how beautiful that was tertia, really. a beautiful testimony to you, marko, and the support system that surrounded your journey to parenthood, and to being the parents of adam, kate, and ben.
Posted by: brooke | 27 November 2006 at 09:17 PM
The transcript reads beautifully. No wonder you're happy with the tribute, it's lovely and so gently done. I can't wait to see the YouTube version.
Well done, Tertia!
Posted by: Opal | 27 November 2006 at 11:52 PM
It's wonderful that you were able to have some (more) beautiful memories of your little boy, as well as something to share with the twins. I look forward to seeing you on YouTube!
Posted by: Heather | 28 November 2006 at 01:55 AM
Very moving.
I felt quite emotional reading the script. Well done to Marko as well.
The only part that made me roll my eyes was the Doctors suggestion that women re-educate themselves & think about having babies in their 20's. I did think about having babies in my 20's. But I didn't get a husband until my 30's....a corporate job made no difference to my blocked tubes or uterine abnomoly.
Very proud of you Tertia.
Posted by: Simone | 28 November 2006 at 02:52 AM
Posted by: Amy | 28 November 2006 at 04:46 AM
Yay, Tertia, well done!
Now, get that sucker up on you-tube before I burst!
Posted by: ingrid | 28 November 2006 at 05:13 AM
Tertia so happy for you that recent events have contributed to your peace and happiness. Sweet Ben, just so sad - even though you now have your precious babes it doesn't change the past does it? No one is ever immune to loss - but some have a heavier burden to bear than others and you have survived SO much - it must have been very hard. You are such a strong person. Best to you and your family.
Posted by: Sommar | 28 November 2006 at 05:55 AM
Wow, lots of clapping from Canada. I read the transcript, beautuful....
Posted by: Louise M | 28 November 2006 at 07:11 AM
Yes, Marko was so hot!! And yes Derek was really 'so close' to cracking up!! ('Chuffed' is 'totally thrilled',Pam). Is Carol an Albertyn relative?
Posted by: coral | 28 November 2006 at 09:25 AM
I can't wait to see it on youtube. Amazing how so much of your life was cut down into twenty paragraphs.
Whenever the book gets here in the states I'll buy it!@
Posted by: Cristy | 28 November 2006 at 05:24 PM
Can't wait to see it on YouTube and buy the book here in the US.
Posted by: KimN | 28 November 2006 at 06:46 PM
Good for you. You deserve for this to have gone oh so well and to feel so good about Ben after...
Posted by: Suzie-Q. | 28 November 2006 at 11:57 PM
Dis meer as 'n week gelede dat jy op Mnet was, en ek het die program al vele male oor en oor gekyk. En ek huil elke keer as jy kom by die deel waar jy voel jou man het 'n "dut" getrou. Ek het nie Mnet nie, en het familie en vriende gebel, en almal het dit gekyk en opgeneem. So ek het 'n paar kopiee! :-) Jou boek was ongelooflik en ek wens ek kan mense na aan my DWING om dit te lees. My skoonsus en ma het reeds die boek gelees. Vandag het ek nog 'n boek as 'n geskenk gekry, so hy gaan nou ook die rondtes doen. Great boek! Great program! Vir die mense wat nooit die moeite gaan doen om die boek te lees nie, het die program reeds 'n fraksie van die pyn openbaar waardeer elke onvrugbare vrou gaan. Maar die beste van alles: die gelukkige einde! Your happy ending gives me hope for my own happy ending. Dis wat my hoop en moed gee om elke maand aan te gaan. HOOP! Addicted to HOPE!!!
Posted by: Gwendoline Kriek | 04 December 2006 at 04:56 PM
this is so good.
watch friends online
Posted by: watch friends online | 24 March 2009 at 03:22 AM