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Sobbing. Tertia I am DYING to read your book dammit. I too will write long, lovely notes just like my lovely sister who is RAVING about your book. You are so divine and clever and gorgeous. I love you soooo much. Don't leave me! Sob..,

Well I had planned on spending a lazy day at home tomorrow but apparently I'm going shopping for a book :-)

I'd do your new poll, but you don't have a "Daliesque" option.

(for when your boobs go from perky to melting off your chest =P)

I am sure that I am simply dense and scatterbrained but where, how, when can we get your book? I love you to pieces and would love to read it. So if you have a heart please tell me. :)

Dearest friend,
I am very proud of you and very happy that I have met you. Your courage and your strength will always amaze me.

ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa. *snort*

Good dear god, they've blocked you at my work, so I'll only be able to chat (two way) every so often.

Congrats on the book. Take a deep breath and enjoy the view, its quite an accomplishment.

I'm actually ordering your book right now. (Live in the platteland = having to order through kalahari.) I hope I get it before you publish your second!

I started and finished it Saturday. I LOVED it!!!!!!!!! I cried, laughed, learned and enjoyed. Congrats!!! I am still new to your blog so I e-mailed yesterday. THANKS for the reply!!!

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