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Poor puppies! Unfortunately, that's what happened to ours, too!

Oh sweet babies! I want to come give them some sweet fluffy dog hugs :(

Beautiful dogs! Just wait, eventually kate and adam will be big enough to play with them!!

GORGEOUS! What breed are they?

They look so lonely!

They are just beautiful dogs Tertia! Things will be better once the babes are big enough to play with them more. And what breed are they? I'm guessing Rodhesian Ridgeback, as they look a lot like my RidgebackX.

Do people actually read your blog or just look at the pictures. THEY ARE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACKS.

To the person above, Tertia edited to add the breed obviously after everyone asked.

Hi T, they are still known as Rhodesian Ridgebacks even in Zimbabwe!!!!

I've seen glimpses of them in pictures and wondered what breed they are. I sometimes wonder if my dogs will treated less like babies when/if we have one of our own? I can't imagine it but it usually works out that way.

they're still called rhodesian. who the fuck wants to be from zimbabwe? look at what a mess that country is. would you want to be from there? i sure wouldn't, and i wouldn't inflict being from there on a dog either.

Ah- cute pups. They look so sad, or are they just hamming it up for the camera? :-)

Beautiful dogs. Hope they are still part of your family, even though you've got your beautiful babies, too. I've always loved that breed. Are they good with your kids??

I'll add this to my list of things I WILL NEVER DO when I have children (and probably end up having to eat my words). My dogs are the sole reason for me still being alive, can't imagine ever putting them out of the house when we have children.

Tertia - they are gorgeous. Have you read "The Dogs of Babel" by Carolyn Parkhurst. Excellent book and Rhodesians are key to the story..


hi tertia, very beautiful dogs, i hope they are lovely with the babes!

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