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Hi Tertia, My blog location has changed and is now http://typingundertheinfluence.blogspot.com I'm number 49 on your list. I have put a link in my old blog to the new one, but if you find the time could you please change it. Thanks :)

hey t. about the poll...
what about the lesbians (and gay guys) who experience infertility...and not just cuz we don't have 'easy' access to sperm? don't forget me. i'm your favourite lesbian afterall.

Thanks for this!! Can I get added?

That woud be me. margalitc at yahoo dot com

I was wondering what happened!

thank you for the roll of blogs, Tertia...
I do still wish that the names in the comments were clickable.

Waaahhhh! Where's MY blog :-)

Won't ya add it, pleeeease, pleeeease?

Packing for Prague @ www.afrika-knihovnik.blogspot.com.

Thank you!

Blackbird -

The names in the comments are clickable. The only time they aren't is if (like me!) they don't list a URL/website. If they list it, you can click on it. Don't know what browser or OS you are using, but I use Firefox w/W2K, and if I just hover my pointer over the name, it shows the website/blog name, and I can click on it and have it open.

Thanks for the updated list T!

wow! I'm #112 and my url has changed too. It's now http://lala.totsgo.com lovingly hosted by Sherry at Horkin Ramblings
Thanks Tertia, you're a peach.

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