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Wow he looks like a little boy already. Did he squirt his sister with the hose? HA HA

What a handsome little man!

That is such an infectious grin he has! How do you ever get mad at that??? :-)

Yup, you've got kids now. Not babies anymore, kids. And two beautiful ones at that!

What G & D kids! I can't believe how tiny they were, just a 1 1/2 years ago, and how big they are now! Sad I didn't get to meet them in person, though...:(

First, Tertia, babes are g&D as always!!

But what is up with being taken to the baby shower site before I can see your site?? Did you do this or did someone hijack your site? Very strange...

could i possibly book adam for about um twenty or so years time as an excellent partner for my cameron?


(yeha what IS with the baby shower thing at the beginning of your site?)


Such a handsome little man.

Holy cow, he looks like such a little man!

What a smile!

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