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Hello T,

Alone??? Lucky girl!

I just took a look at the newest pictures of Kate and Adam. They are so beautiful. I couldn't help remembering all the years it took to get them. We've all come such a long way from the Clomid Club!!!


Ah, time alone with your replacement husband. Better make it a quickie, you never know when the original husband will return. Don't want him to know he's been replaced already.

Ah yes... home alone! My girls are almost 3 and I can count on one hand the number of times I"ve been alone in my house since they were born - wierd feeling isn't it? Enjoy!! :)

Don't worry- he's probably busy attracting other mums in the park. Either that or he's taken them to Macdonalds. Or they're splashing in puddles, if you have such things in SA in winter.

Wow, you have 2 BEAUTIFUL children. They are just TOO BEAUTIFUL. They look like a pair of the most happy angels. Of course, I know, they are probably not always like that...

Okaaaaaaay....you are home alone and ON THE COMPUTER????

I myself had a newspaper interview this morning—proud member of the G&D club!

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