Don't forget this one from the (inexplicably) popular (though I confess I watched it. John Schneider!)'70s show The Dukes of Hazzard:
Take this as you will, Tertia, but last weekend when my (three-year old)son and I headed to church he was naming all of the cars we passed on the road. "Look, Mom!" he'd shout, "It's a Honda! It's a Toyota! It's a Volkswagen!" This continued as we stepped out into the church parking lot, when he gasped and pointed while screaming, "Look, Mom! It's a MINI-COOTER!" (Mini Cooper)
I, of course, have been to the town where that Cooterfest is held. My husband has relatives there now. Who can forget the motto? Save a fish, eat a cooter.
The Daily Show did a great piece about the Cooterfest that celebrates that turtle:
Posted by: Egg Donor | 29 June 2006 at 04:58 PM
Don't forget this one from the (inexplicably) popular (though I confess I watched it. John Schneider!)'70s show The Dukes of Hazzard:
Posted by: Northwoods Baby | 29 June 2006 at 05:00 PM
Hahahahaha! I had no idea a cooter was so dark and round. And those claws! Yikes!
Posted by: Bridgette | 29 June 2006 at 05:23 PM
Take this as you will, Tertia, but last weekend when my (three-year old)son and I headed to church he was naming all of the cars we passed on the road. "Look, Mom!" he'd shout, "It's a Honda! It's a Toyota! It's a Volkswagen!" This continued as we stepped out into the church parking lot, when he gasped and pointed while screaming, "Look, Mom! It's a MINI-COOTER!" (Mini Cooper)
I was appropriately embarrassed.
Posted by: Tracy | 29 June 2006 at 06:21 PM
Here in Florida that's what we call them! Yes, even south of "The South" - every region has silly colloquialisms ... right?!?!?!
Posted by: D | 29 June 2006 at 06:37 PM
Cooterfest! Bwwwwahhhaaaaaa!
Posted by: jodie | 30 June 2006 at 09:00 AM
I, of course, have been to the town where that Cooterfest is held. My husband has relatives there now. Who can forget the motto? Save a fish, eat a cooter.
Posted by: Orange | 30 June 2006 at 06:25 PM