To follow up on my previous post.
I wish I could say more. But I can’t, not without giving away too much information. I need to respect that person’s right to privacy.
The issue I am talking about is a physical one. I don’t think it is very serious, but it is something that I think early intervention would help with tremendously. And it is something that I think if not addressed could possibly lead to issues down the line.
And no, I really don’t think the parents have any idea. They think that the child will get better / outgrow it as he gets older. And no, the child hasn’t yet been assessed by a medical professional.
I really can’t say
more, but I think the right thing to do would be to tell the person outright
that I think the little boy could possibly be dealing with some minor issues
that a few simple exercises could help tremendously with. And that I faced a similar, yet not exactly
the same thing with Kate and the exercises the OT gave us helped so much. I have another friend who only discovered some
of these issues later, at age 7, and is now having to do all sorts of interventions
and therapies to address it. I obviously wont mention this last part because my intention is not to scare the mother. But it is something that is driving me towards saying something.
I know I found it very hard when I heard that Kate might have some issues, but I RAN to OT, as fast as I could. I am glad I had a paediatrician who was so honestly brutal. And yes, everyone said to me ‘oh don’t worry; some kids are a bit slow / just don’t ever XYZ’ etc. Yes, some kids don’t, but I want to do everything possible to maximise my child’s chances at a healthy, fulfilled future.
I must say something. Not because I want to offer advice, or remedies, or miracle cures, but because I honestly believe the parents don’t know. I would want to know. Especially if it is something that if addressed early enough, is totally ‘fixable’. I am not going to be offering assvice, what do I know anyway? But I think I am sensitive enough to say it in a way that will be as inoffensive and gentle as possible.
I must say something. For the child and for the parents. If they hate me for it, then so be it. I would want someone to tell me.