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hah, maybe you can ask them to pee at your next door neighbor's. but garden isnt a bad idea, you get free fertilizer at the same time. :)

Put some sort of white noise in their rooms, immediately. Or music. So they'll be used to it by Saturday nite.

Well if the kids are screaming they'll get the hint and leave and then you can have quiet in your home for the babes to sleep :)

White noise suggestion - great idea!

The catering is a FABULOUS idea. Having a dinner party is about the hosting, and having fun, not who does the cooking.

Noise, well, we did the quiet thing for our first. Made life a bit tough when people came over, but we generally find in the first few hours she sleeps really deeply. After about 11/12 she's more easily woken up.

Do you have another loo? Seriously, we used to make guests use our ensuite toilet because the other one was opposite my daughter's room. They didn't mind at all.

Our son has grown up with a very noisy 4 year old around, and we're in a tiny house (temporarily) so he's bomb proof.

Good luck with the dinner, I'm sure it will be fantastic!!!!

PS A fan or airconditioner on might help with the noise.

Wow a cater "flash" lol!

Agree with MsShad. Radio on now, in prep for Sat night! You are going to enjoy yourself!

radio on now. definitely.

get rose in, so that if they wake up, she can go in and see to them.

i pray for a rose daily, T. i really do.

Catering is sooo much more fun than actually cooking - and then there are less dishes to worry about as well - so it's a double bonus! :)

Perhaps to get the kiddies used to the noise start playing music in their rooms at night (Majors for minors is lovely and apparently assists in brain development at the same time!! - Extra bonus!) Alternatively, leave the doors open each night this week and keep the tv and phones on so that they get used to it.

Good luck! - You fabulous hostess you!

PS - what are you going to wear??!!??

"I’ve obviously told my guests that I am getting a caterer. They know I can’t cook."

I'm sure your guests are more relaxed now too.

I don't suppose that flushing every half hour each night until the big party will help, will it?

Don't beat yourself up about the tiptoe-ing -- it's just as likely that they never would have adjusted to the noise. Ours hasn't yet and we've tried him with periodic noise and it's ALWAYS backfired.

Second (or third) the white noise machine suggestion. We've got one in each kid's room -- they can sleep through dogs barking with those things!

Yea caterer! The only way to go, but I would have transferred the food into my pans and pretended that I made it myself. Their low expectations turn into them being impressed that I do "know" how to cook. That kind of thing cracks me up.

Have a wonderful time and stay away from downtown. Things sounds a little crazy there right now.

Yes for white noise. We have used it before and it helps mask other noises in the house.

Put a loud fan in their room and run it for white noise. It will drown everything else out. I do this nightly with mine. You can put in on low for a little noise and on high when other things are going on in the house.

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