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Great site! I fit neatly into all 3 categories (can't/won't/who has the damn time?). I will be subscribing. Anything that makes those 2 hours after getting home from work easier, is a winner in my book.

Cool site - wonder how/why I haven't stumled upon it before?

Need more "easy/quick" stuff. And "inexpensive."

But doesn't everyone?

Well, I couldn't figure out how to get the free subscription. Bah. I must have missed out.

Darn, I think I missed out as well. I'll have to save up some dollahs and subscribe in a couple of weeks! Looks like an interesting concept.

Wow - thanks again for sharing!

Ooh, ooh me! :) Mom of a 3-month old who can't seem to get her shit together to cook for the fam. Too much fast food weighing on our bodies and nerves! ;) I'd love to subscribe, how do we do it for free?

pooh. I musta missed it, too. And I need, nay, deserve a service like that! (I've never nearly burned my kitchen down, but I have ruined many a pot and my hubby's favourite ladle. And I burned the underneath of our cupboards once. The other night my husband said he wanted to make a "roo" and I said, "but kangaroo's aren't kosher dear." Um, he meant a "rue" - I had to look it up. :Þ )

What a nice lady Ms. Easypeas is!

Oh, oh , me too please. I'm hopeless at cooking, but trying to start. How do we get it for free?

I'd love a free subscription also! Great site!

please let me be in the first ten for free subscription!!!

Hi Ladies, "Lovely blog reader" here. Just go to the site and click on Contact Us and send me an email, or, if it works, click on my eamil link below. It's not too late. Just put in your email that you were one of the people who commented to Tertia's posting.

Peace, Jill

Am I too late for the goodies?

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