I’ve submitted a help ticket to Bravenet to tell them that the guestmap is dumping some of my friends. Can’t have that. Will let you know what they say. Apologies if you were dumped, wasn’t me, promise.
I was v v impressed when I logged on this morning and saw how many people put their pins on the map. Look at this screen dump of my inbox. Look at the time of the emails - hahaha!
WAIT - I've fixed the problem. It was set up to show only a 100 entries per page. So now there are some duplicates of your entries. Forking irrirating guestmap thing.
Should be working now. Although now I will think I have more friends in the computer than I actually have. Sigh. I hate being thick. Please tell me if you've done more than one entry and I will try and fix it. Asshole guestmap thing.
Help ticket?
Honey, you need more than a help ticket!
Posted by: Boulder | 27 May 2005 at 11:29 AM
Can't email right now (at work) -- but I'm on there twice. Kathy in Southern California -- with the flag of Norway attached!
Posted by: Kathy | 27 May 2005 at 04:23 PM
OMG when I posted on the guest map there was only a few of us now THE US IS OVERCROWDED LOL. You are extremely popular over here Tessa KEEP ON BLOGGING IT KEEPS ME SANE.
Posted by: Rubi | 27 May 2005 at 06:48 PM
You are one hot G&D chick!! I can't believe how many "people" appeared in the past day or so.
Posted by: Ria | 27 May 2005 at 07:37 PM
Have you ever played Harvest Mania on Pogo?
All these vegetables grow and grow and grow - your guest map reminds me of it!
Posted by: Karen | 27 May 2005 at 10:04 PM
Hi Tertia--I am on there twice, in Texas (northeast corner-ish). But I read your blog every day, so maybe I _should_ be on there twice? :-D
Posted by: Laura | 28 May 2005 at 05:06 PM
Yup, I'm on there twice too - Robin in Israel :-).
Posted by: Robin (from TLOL) | 28 May 2005 at 09:56 PM
Hi T and everyone,
I just wanted to say that if you zoom in on the map and switch from icons to dots, you can find space on the map to stick your little pin.
Wow, you have a ton of pins in you map! You must be G&D
Posted by: kate | 29 May 2005 at 02:26 PM
ocir pavsyw ysufegi hcjsq plrq dgveloku uhpxyalrj
Posted by: hcbn srjw | 30 March 2009 at 07:31 AM