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So true Tertia! It is so sad to see them when they have a cold. Hope little Adam feels better soon.

I've heard that children like structure. Maybe they like the fact that they are free to ponder the mysteries of this new world without having to worry about whether they are hungry or what's for dinner. :) But certainly the snotty nose thing is a downer!!!

Sorry to hear little Adam is not feeling well. I have thought about how it must be for a little child or baby. Everyone seems to think it must be so nice when you don't need much. I don't agree. I see it pretty much in the same light as you!

The one I always felt sorry for was their being carried from room to room with no idea of the layout of the house. "You *were* on there, but now you're in here! And you have no idea how you got here! Ha ha!" So I started narrating where we were walking: "We're going down the hall, past the kitchen, into your room." I felt like a fool, but I swear it calmed him down. Every morning I'd tell him where we'd be going the rest of the day, and as we were doing it I'd narrate the steps to getting there. I'm 100% sure that's why I ended up with a kid who relaly early on (before he was 2) could tell me the public transportation routes we took to go all the regular places (church, our friends' houses, etc.). He still asks me every morning, "Mama, what am I doing today? What day is it?" Oh, and we both are addicted to checking the weather report in the morning before we get dressed. Cracks me up.

Not only that, but you see the big monster people moving about from one place to another while you must lie in one place until the giants decide to move you. Before my son was mobile, this really seemed to bother him. My husband used to narrate, "I'm a BABY! Why am I BEDRIDDEN?!?!"

Yeah, but the way my DH puts it, our son is the luckiest man alive: He gets to suck on a boob many times a day. And, wouldn't you think a cold wipe is a small price to pay for someone cleaning up your dirty messes?

My mother says I used to glare at her--I mean, really give her a death stare--until I learned how to talk. It's like I knew what I was missing, not being able to communicate verbally? Maybe a case for past lives.

I often think of babies/little kids just the way you've described. Really, they are so helpless. Completely dependent on big people for their safety and comfort and happiness. That's why I break down sobbing or break out yelling obscenities whenever I hear of a child being neglected or abused...it's so effing unfair.

I do a lot of what Moxie said - I narrate. Part of it is probably because I am desperate for some sort of meaningful conversation while the big bro is at school, and part of it is to calm the little guy down. He used to fuss to no end when I put him in his car seat until I would tell him we were going to school to get his brother. Then, the tears would stop, he'd smile that big, cheesy smile and off we'd go.

I really felt sorry for my oldest when he was an infant - sitting backwards in the car just can't be too fun - you can't see where you're going - only the back of the seat! I'd cry, too! At least my little one has someone to look at now ("Bubba"!) in the seat right next to him!

Whenever Charlie is having a bad day Andy and I report that "It's hard to be a baby today".

Because it is. The simplest concepts are the hardest to grasp and things like being able to get to what you want are a big deal that take a lot of planning and heartache until you get the hang of it.

It's very hard to be a baby.

The cold wipe thing is brutal, but my son gets his revenge every. single. time. by peeing all over me. I think he does it on purpose. ;) He even laughs.

Trust me, that is nothing compared with the indignity of a suppository. Adam, may you never have to suffer that way.
I know you love your mom, but if you get sick, she could be your worst enema.
(Apologies, T- I'm tired, Neen's away, and the little one has been managing to vomit in ways that I never thought possible)

I just started reading a great book on that very subject called The Wonder Weeks -- great read! It does a wonderful job of explaining the world from a baby's point of view.

My 7-month-old son's fussiness makes so much more sense once I think of things from his perspective.

How lucky Kate and Adam are to have a mother who really tries to see things from their point-of-view.

Moxie, I felt the same way and I did the same thing! Now I have a 13 year old who likes to review the coming day's events in the morning!

I'm tearing up from laughing at this.

i understand here in america they have baby wipe warmers.

don't go on a guilt trip or anyting because you wipe your babies w/cold ones.

i'm JUST sharing!

Don't be afraid Tertia - it's a TEAT -there I said it!

I laughed out loud at this one!

And that's the problem with CIO - the baby is lying there, alone, sobbing for his/her mommy, something is wrong (wet nappy/diaper, hunger, pain) and no one comes. Yes, he/she stops crying but that's because primal survival instinct kicks in that mommy has abandoned him/her and now he/she must conserve energy to survive. And he/she learns that not even mommy and/or daddy who claim to love them will rescue them in their time of need. I always try to see things from my miracle baby's perspective. Wait until they start teething. I'll reply to your first post about that with my standard teething message.

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