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Love the last shot! They both look so alarmed!

You know, in all the photos you've posted before they've looked *so* different from each other, but in this one they look so much alike. I wonder what they'll look like in another few years.

Love the pics...keep 'em coming! I think it looks like Adam is smiling in the 1st pic, and I'm loving how chubby their little cheeks are getting! You certainly make beautiful children, Tertia!

Best wishes and good luck w/the sleep/feeding adjustment.

OMG Tertia, they have grown so much so fast...Beautiful children...like thier mom ;)

They are SO cute! Love them holding hands.

So sweet! How amazing, how wonderful, how fast they grow.

You can never take too many photos-- especially if they're digital LOL.

Oh, you know this, but backup the photo files. Upload them to Ofoto or Shutterfly or someplace if you don't have time to burn a CD. You don't want to lose those photos!

Jody is right! We lost a ton of baby pics when our hard drive crashed. Luckily my MIL saved all of them.

The babies are scrumptious. I love the 3rd pic, they've got thier hands in the air like they just don't care.

I hope you are having a great day Tertia!

OMG I'm going to die of adorable!!!!!

They are just getting more beautiful every day. I hope Adam feels better today. I have to say I think you're doing a spectacular job. Its not easy but your babes are living proof of well loved and simply thriving babies. They look great and wow...look how much bigger they are already!!

Great job for a great mom.

Much blessings,

I think the 3rd pic looks like Adam declaring something and Kate giving him an "Amen, brother!"

Beautiful BEAUTIFUL babies!

Tersh, they look so beautiful!!! I am still sooo stoked for you and Marko.

they are so beautiful, they dont look like they would cause one bit of trouble (wink wink).

Um .... is adam wearing purple ... i always think of purple as a girl color :) lol

Enjoy those little darling tertia, you deserve it!

Wow, Tertia. You know, I look at those lovely pictures, and I think of all you've been through. Of the first time I found your blog, and how I so admired your bravery and resilience. And of all your posts since then, detailing this grand fight. And after all that, after all of the struggles, you're posting these pictures of your beautiful twins. It's just amazing.

Every time I look at #3, I hear in my head:

Adam: "Look, up in the sky!"
Kate: "It's a bird! It's a plane!"
Both: "It's...SUPERMUMMY!!!"

K, I'll stop now s:) They really are cuties!

All I can say is, "Ahhhh...!"


#3 picture looks like Adam is practicing for running for office someday...."NO MORE TAXES!" he says!

Great pictures and such beautiful kids!

Gorgeous, they look just gorgeous - little buggers. x x x x x

oh they're getting so big!

Beautiful!!!! They are starting to look more alike...almost losing that newborn look already! Wow, where does the time go!

They look so much alike today!!! And it's not just their clothing. Wow - growing so fast too!

V. cute, T. I just want to nibble on their toes and rub my nose in the sweet smell of their hair.

They are soooooooooooo cute!

Which one is your favorite? ;-)

They are so incredibly beautiful. I am so happy for you. Don't worry...it might never be easy being a parent, but there are moments of pure joy that top all the difficult parts. You're doing great!

Love the pics!

Adam's feet and fists are already much bigger thank Kate's. His feet are way way cute, especially in your "i can see the light" post! What a strong, beautiful boy he is. And Kate is so feminine looking. She's just gorgeous, like mommy!!

Have you noticed any differences in their characters yet?

Adam looks like he is dancing the Calypso in photo #2. Hooray for wonderful thriving super babies!

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