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I am sooo glad that things are okay!

Enjoy the fudge and the chocolate.


I'm so happy to hear everything's ok. I've been thinking of you all weekend Luann (maybethismonth)

T...I am going to start to write Jen(earthchild) on my comments b/c there are so many Jens....

I am so happy that the babies are doing well. And that cervix...good job!!! I will still be repeating my mantra to the cervix for next week's check up...

and ROTFLMAO at Marko and his nose comment.

Well done Tertia. keep up the good work.

i hope your kids are as obedient as your cervix is.

at my six week checkup (march something) the dr asked me about birth control. said infertility was our not preferred but accepted method.

she gave me eight condoms and told me to use them until we had sorted something out.

i looked at her and said, "ooh wait, it's his birthday in july, and our anniversary as well...if these are meant to last until the end of the year i will need two more please!"

charles started to weep.

back to bed, love.

PHEW! I am SO glad to read this update, Tertia! You definitely need to practice your Bed Potato routine a bit longer. I'm fairly certain that some ice cream is in order, along with that chocolate and fudge.

How funny that Marko is concerned that the babies might inherit your nose. Frankly, I'd be more concerned that Kate might inherit your penis. ;-)

Keep going T! You are doing great. Enjoy the fudge and chocolate, and keep telling you cervix to behave.


Healthy babies in January...

Oh Tertia!

So glad to see this post!! Well done Cervix!! Well done babies!!

I hope Marko keeps you stocked with PLENTY of fudge and chocolate.

What the hell is wrong with your nose?? You have a gorgeous nose! Gorgeous everything, really.

Keeping good thoughts for you, Girl. I'm invested now. Your support for Cecily in the midst of your own fears and memories has been almost beyond my comprehension. You are a beautiful, generous, strong woman.

Love, Sarah

Well done cervix, good babies. Keep on keeping on T.


Hurrah! Keep the good news coming.

Best part about Monday morning is reading that you and your babies are doing good.

It's already November... January gets closer eery day.

There, you see, our mantra's working!! You just stay in bed and keep your side of the bargain up, and we'll keep saying the mantra!
V.funny re the nose story... rude, but funny! Kind of thing A would say! altho he definitely couldnt talk ;)
Back to bed love, with choc & fudge at hand! xx

BRILLIANT news, T.! I'll keep doing the Babies' dance around the flat bcs a) it's still needed b) keeps the animals entertained.

Babies should have your sense of humour too, there can never be too many smartasses in the world.

Oh I am SO HAPPY for the 4 of you!!!! How are Lauren and her family doing? I assume lack of news is good news. Here's mud in you eye, T.

Happy, happy, happy news. Big smooch for your ta-da twins. I adore them (almost as much as i adore you). x x x x x x

FANTASTIC!!! So happy to such great news!!
Babies in January:):)

Delurking to say - hooray! So glad to see this post. I have been reading for a few months and, though I'm not the praying kind, I'm sending out many good vibes to you, Marko, Kate and Adam and particularly your valiant cervix.

Enjoy the chocolate fudge brownie ice cream (mmmm) you so richly deserve - you really, seriously rock.

Babies in January...

Hey T-

Great Milestone you just passed. You are doing just great. Besides, that shopping and lunching business gets so old. Cervix is obliging nicely. Please stay out of the cave for a bit. Babies are well.

Huzzah! Great news, Tertia. It must feel great to have passed that marker. You have a well-behaved cervix -- you should be proud!

Huzzah! Great news, Tertia. It must feel great to have passed that marker. You have a well-behaved cervix -- you should be proud!

yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I thoroughly second JJ.

No wonder you didn't want my roots & berries, you've got fudge.

Delurking to say I'm so glad that all's going well! I was thinking about you this weekend.

Your Cervix is always on my mind
Your Cervix is always on my mind

Giiiiive me, Give me a weekly update online
Teeellll Marko I think your nose is mighty mighty fine....



Congratulations, and prayers for another week of inactivity.

Oh Thank Goodness, I was so happyto se this update! I am continuing the mantra.

Yay! So glad your cave time was well spent keeping that cervix in check!

Hope you, Marko, and darlings Kate & Adam enjoy your antenatal class.... Wishing that there will be some silly exercise that will make Marko squirm after his little comment~


So glad to hear this news! And there are worse things than laying and eating chocolate.


Bravo! I've been an avid lurker for several months but felt silly about adding to your fan club. Felt compelled to write today. I'm 27W today with twins as well after 3 years of IF. Have been in bed for 24 days because my cervix is a piddly 1.4 due to PTL. Love that turbutaline pump! Your mantra for babies in January is also mine. (My DH and I joke that we want '05 models).

Thrilled and jealous that your cervix is a big fat 2.8. Keep up the incubating.

Don't know if you can get them over there, but I've recently become addicted to Ho-Hos. A chocolate cake roll that has faux whipped creme inside and is covered in soft chocolate shell. Mmm.

I'm with Marnie - I have been spending FAR too much time thinking about your cervix this week.

Great to hear. I'm off to buy some fudge now.

Ho ho's are eeeeeevilllll....

T, grand job. I've never been happier to see it's November 1, I tell you. I think of you all the time, and am so glad things are proceeding without too much excitement.

I'm with Marko. Eyes, yes. Nose, no's.

Glad to hear the great report.

Yup, I absolutely believe they will say that the chocolate is the root of all good and the thing that is helping ;)

Thinking of you.


Hooray! Good Babies...stay in your mommy! Babies in January, Tertia...Babies in January. Very happy to hear all this. Enjoy the chocolate...you know Adam and Kate are.

I have several pounds of candy left from Trick or treat - you want me to send ya' the chocolate?

Glad to hear the babies look good and your cervix is behaving this week!

What? He didn't mention passing on your gorgeousity? Maybe it's just a given that ze beebees will have that.

Yay cervix. Yay chocolate.

Still lurking and I am so glad to hear your news. Thinking about you and your babies everyday. If the Dr says the chocolate is working who am I to argue.

I hope both babies have your nose. Marko will love it anyway!

January is right around the corner. Hang in there!


Glad to hear such a good report. And I think your nose is lovely.

I'm SOOO relieved!!! I even said a little prayer before clicking on this site because I DON'T want you to get any more bad news- from here on out!!!

Oh man, oh man...I am so very relieved Tertia. Your babies and your cervix remain in my prayers. And tell your hubby to be nice about your nose...its a perfectly fine nose!

I can't believe that I did not get here until this late in the day! Thrilled to hear such good news T!

Babies in Jan
Babies in Jan
Babies in Jan
Babies in Jan
Babies in Jan

(Tess I almost threw up from laughing when I read your post.)

T, ask Brid to send you some chocolate biscotti to keep you happy while you are in bed. She is an AWESOME cook! I would buy it in bulk if she could make it fast enough.

O god you have to write all this down in a book. Forget bed rest just eat Fudge and cookies to keep your cervix nice and long.

I am not PG yet but I will start eating the fudge and cookies just in case.

Fantistic I am really looking forward to hearing you have two beautiful babies in January!!!!!

Wonderful news!

I've been on pins and needles all weekend waiting for an update. So glad to check in and find good news! Very good news!

Keep up the good work- well okay- good bedrest and eating!

I'll make a batch of fudge and eat it for you if you think it will help! ;)

Alright!! Great news!

I am eating lots of chocolate in your honour (spelled with a "u" just for you!) because I am sure it will help. Stay in bed and come on 2005!

ditto ditto and ditto.

Stood in line 2 hrs to vote; not a clever bone left in my body. But re-energized by this happy, happy news. Today I am more confident than ever that indeed it WILL be January before the babes arrive! Makes me SO happy!

I've taken Single Wife as my new screen name; I'm reading the book of the same name and well, it just SO fits...


Wonderful news!!

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