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Very good news!

Awesome, wonderful & very, very good!!

PS - Weight gain pffft!! At least you can blame it on babies. I have no such excuse:)Just very deep love for Ben & Jerry's:P

Hope all continues along this very good path.


Hurray! Oh, this cheers me up no end. :) :) :)


Wonderful to hear that your cervix is being a lady!


Very happy news. Extra candle dutifully lit - hell, let's make it a permanent arrangement till you-know-what!

yaaaaaaaaay. Lovely news all around. And your doc is smart not to be too worried about the weight if all else is healthy. You've got twins in there, you're gonna gain weight. So glad to read good news.

Smug smile, like a proud aunt. Mrs A, I do love your kids !

I promise to gain more weight than you. Happy now?

So glad everything is going so well. Yeah to staying out of the hospital!

I'm so glad to hear that all is well, Tertia! :-)


Well, I'd like to see one. You say it's all scary. But mommy bellies are beautiful!

Wonderful news :)

I'm going to agree with Skylara...we need another picture...we want to see the babies (inside of you, of course).

Stay closed, dear cervix. We don't want you open.

What wonderful news! I have an ear to ear grin.

*dreamy sigh* Adam and Kate, you have no idea how much you are loved by people all over the world.

Doesn't Elizabeth Noble suggest a weight gain of 55-60 pounds (with a goal of 7 lb + twins)? Eat!

Oh, yeah.


That's the way
Uh-huh, uh-huh
I like it
Uh-huh, uh-huh

A tub of butter is better than a tub o' lard. Glad to hear everything is well.

Great news!

A well behaved cervix is a joy to behold!

Now, if Mommy is a good girl and stays far far away from the "little bits of laundry" then we should be celebrating no sooner than January!

I'm praying like mad for you T--I feel a kindship because in my own mind we are due date buddies and your Adam and Kate are going to make my little Lorelai fantastic cyber-friends someday!

Much love~

Yes! Delightful news.


Babies in January!!

*big, HUGE, grin*

What a great appoitment!

That's the kind of news I like to hear. Keep it up kids, keep growing like weeds! Keep kicking your mom's ribs! Yay!

Good for the butter tubs!

That is SUCH good news. Perfect, really. I am so happy to hear that things are going so well!

I know I've said this already, but I have to tell you again how much I love the names Adam and Kate. They're both so gosh-darn wholesome sounding. Babies with those names are no doubt perfect and beautiful and of course, off-the-charts brilliant! =)

Hope you're doing well ...

I am so glad to hear your sweet ones are growin big and strong. When did you find out the sexes? I've been out of the loop, must go back and read all of your posts from August and September. Anyways, much love.

Yay! So many things to be happy about.

And, lovely Tertia, with all that you have to worry about, I am glad he doesn't talk about your weight.

It's not "weight" anyway, in the conventional sense. It's TWO BABIES!!

Wonderful! :) Made my day!

For some reason I only get your posts on my screen a couple of days after you post them... dont know why. But this post was worth waiting for!

Keep it up, Cervix -0 you lady you!

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