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Got sms. Very Very Happy. Enjoy your HTS free day - will have to make plan to send her on an extended vacation in the near future.


I don't think there is too much more that I can say, apart from the fact that I wish you the HEALTHIEST and as stress free a pregnancy as possible!!!

A fellow South African in Ohio!

LOVE your imagery. Love the Hope Tersh and HOPE (haha punny) she stays and is not disappointed. Love you
PS: There's a lot of love in this message - are you feeling it? Even though I didn't get a lunch invite - harumph


Ah, T., I love that number. And I sure love Hope.

Laughing, crying, shouting and skipping along with Hope - the boys all think I've lost my mind. Such good news from the maker of lovely embryo's.

A wonderful, hearty congratulations!

Oooh, what a lovely beta!!!

Hope is tenacious even at her poorest. I hope she's right on this time, kiddo!

Wonderful beta, really!

thinking of you...

Well, shoot! Now, I'll have to take you off my "Infertility Links", along with A Little Pregnant.

Just kidding. Congratulations!

Oh, isn't Hope scary? She's so enthusiastic and sometimes you want to just tell her to chill out. But sometimes you want to skip around with her and think about tiny sleepers covered in trains or ducks. I'm not really one to give you the advice on how you're supposed to feel right now, having just called upon all my blogging buds recently to help me find my way...but I know they're not tapped out!

Woo hoo! I think Hope can take HTS in a street fight. I really do.

I should just confess this. I found your blog (much too late) about a week or two ago and now I have a complete crush on you.

What a fabulous person you are, Tertia.

I am compusively checking back on you and your betas and wanted to add... Hooray! Keep up the good work in there!

All the best.

Woohoo! That's fantastic.

Best wishes for the days/weeks/months to come.

Excellent number! I hope everything continues to be this textbook.

"I’ve just ripped open my chest and exposed my heart to the elements"
Such beautiful writing.
I'm hoping with you. Praying for you and your tenacious little embie.

I think my heart is still somewhere near the ceiling it jumped so high out of my chest when I read that!!! If your Hope is really bothering you send her over here and I'll bake her some cookies, we get along very well.

Lovely number!


I am so hopeful :-)


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't said this in a very long time: Hope rocks!

Yay! I'm so glad to hear that your second beta was reassuring.

Yessssssssss....... you have to use the imagination on the expression behind that....
Thinking of you...

Oh my god, I am so happy for you I can't even stand it. Go BETA! Go BETA! GO BETA!

I am soo soo happy for you. There is definitely something in the water around here, with so much good news on the infertility blogs. It's getting hard to type with my fingers crossed all the time!

I've been lurking since you started your blog, and I just wanted to chime in with my congratulations to you as well.

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