Sore boobs: Nope
Morning sickness: Nada
Metallic taste in mouth: Nothing
Just generally feeling pg: Not an iota
Actually, to be honest, the only feeling I have is a ‘need to poo’ feeling. Like a bloated feeling. Which could just mean I need to poo.
Oh wait, constipation is a pg symptom!! Or could be from the progesterone I am taking. Cancel that.
Oh and I am very irritable. But then again I normally am.
When will they invent home scanning devices so that I can see inside?
Ok, I wrote this post before I read Julia's inspiring post on the state of Zen-ness. So I will no longer be squashing my boobs (yeah right), I aspire to her sense of calmness and acceptance.
(that's me chanting to achieve state of inner peace)
Hang on T. This must be such a difficult time. I wish it was easier for you. Just hang on. You're doing great.
Posted by: Bridgette | 03 June 2004 at 02:39 PM
I want a little readout set into my abdomen -- maybe a digital doohickey, maybe something as low-tech as a pop-up turkey thermometer -- that tells me hCG level, sac size, CRL, and, when appropriate, heart rate.
Is that too much to ask?
Posted by: Julie | 03 June 2004 at 02:40 PM
How annoying that you have no symptoms...oh, and yes, I wish sore boobs & nausea on all my friends. I'm with Julia...a turkey-baster style pop up that keeps you informed. If you can't find one of those (although with all the baby-gear websites someone MUST have one) your doctor should be so kind as to test you whenever you like. Free of charge of course. Good luck with that!
Posted by: Kristine | 03 June 2004 at 03:30 PM
Wait, T... its coming my friend! Soon u will be throwing up daily and loving every minute of it! ('',)
Posted by: Sheena | 03 June 2004 at 03:36 PM
I think we should all begin funding a project to develop at-home ultrasound machines and permanent catheters in our veins for routine "wellness" readouts...
What was I saying about relinquishing control?
Posted by: Julia | 03 June 2004 at 06:41 PM
After 6 miscarriages (and the doctor telling me that MORNING SICKNESS WAS A GOOD THING) I got pregnant and felt NOTHING. NADA. Then, I had a 12 lb 10 oz 14 inch Cassandra who is now 13 years old.
It *will* work this time!
Posted by: Kimberly | 03 June 2004 at 10:59 PM
and stop poking your boobs!
Posted by: Danae | 04 June 2004 at 06:04 AM