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I think of you every day. I like you, and not just because you're pretty with a nice rack (like my husband said).

Good luck! I'm wisging you oodles of eggs and lots of lovely meds.

I think of you every day too. You have fans all over the world, you know.

Muchísima suerte mañana, Tertia. And sweet dreams during the retrieval.

Happy retrieval, my friend. Enjoy those drugs!

Hee. "Why, yes, doctor, the new dildo probe is quite enjoyable. Definitely an improvement in size and texture. I might get one for home use, in fact!"

My patients usually cover themselves with the blanket.


Wishing you a sweet medicated slumber and many gorgeous eggs. I've got all my digits crossed for you!

As you already know, thinking of you and saying a prayer for you for Friday.........
Loved your story today....

As you already know, thinking of you and saying a prayer for you for Friday.........
Loved your story today....me chuckling at you this time.....

Good luck tomorrow!

Tertia, I'll be hoping for juicy eggs, lovely pre-meds and a fantastico fertilization rate. Let us know how things went as soon as you can.

Sounds like things are going lovely. I hope the retrival is pain free (well drugged) and that this is all one happy success story from here on out.

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