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See, I told you you were strong.

Snerk. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it!

Is it wrong that I was also more worried about whether he'd still be able to "donate" this week? At least you didn't punch him further "south"!

You're totally killing me. I'm sorry hubbie's in pain, but seriously, that's really, really funny.

Glad about the eggies too...but I feel your bloated and uncomfortable pain!

Are you for hire?

(sorry, couldn't resist)

hehehe. You BAAAAD woman you. Sorry can't help it - is funny.

k, scared of you now.

Well how have I missed your site before now? I just had a good laugh over your disclaimer list followed by a good cry for Ben.

Your husband's gonna think twice before he decides to be irratating next time, isn't he? Uh huh.

Tertia, you cracked me up!
Thankyou for letting me see this other side of you...
I will definately keep checking in here(",)
Love me

wife can easialy beat husband kick him betwwen h elegs right on groin balls

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