I’m writing this post drunk. Thank god for sp0ell check. Oops. Did the e2 test today. Cra0p news. Oiops. Oops. Anyhow, bad news. Its hardly gone up. Dr said he is not worried. Good for him. I’m worried. So took myself off to the bar (on a business trip out of tpown) oops. Had a glass of expensive white wine. Then chap at bar bought me another. So might be infertile but men still want me. Also bought box of smokes. Don’t care any more. Now siting oops in hotel room waiting for room service. Stupid f’ing cycle. Hate ivf. Love wine. Where is my food? F'ing hunrgy now.
Stupid f'ing cycles. Just when you think you are a professional, life goes and slips a new twist.....
Day 11 here. Just got canceled. Husband in another city now. Told him - don't bother coming back, no point. Coming anyway. Sure my one tube might work.... NOT. At least he still wants to spend time with me. At least there is that.
Enjoy your wine, etc. I'm going to go looking for a suitable bottle myself.....
Posted by: Boulder | 05 May 2004 at 10:03 PM
Oh, tertia. I'm so sorry.
I know where you are right now, being cancelled last IVF. It sucked donkey balls. The worst time were the days before I was cancelled, because I just felt like the doctors were totally dicking me around.
I really really hope the follicles kick in. If not, please take good care of yourself. And buy some good wine.
Posted by: Karen | 05 May 2004 at 11:26 PM
Um, yeah, I don't think your spell check is working.
Oh, Tertia, I'm so sorry that your having such a crap cycle.
Nothing more that I can say, except that I'm thinking of you.
Posted by: Danae | 05 May 2004 at 11:28 PM
hey Tersh - not worried? When do these people learn we could do our own cycles blindfolded? We know too much to be lulled into surrender to the RE's knowledge.
Soit - it sucks mate. No words. It fecking sucks.
Posted by: Bianca | 06 May 2004 at 12:40 AM
I'm just sorry, because that just sucks.
Posted by: getupgrrl | 06 May 2004 at 04:05 PM
IVF - sucks. Wine - good. Late night room service - very good.
I hope today treats you better.
Posted by: Julia | 06 May 2004 at 05:12 PM