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Here's my question: Does the wine and pseudo-harmless flirting work without the stims? Cause I've got some time open next week and I'm pretty sure I could fit in some inappropriate moves on the opposite sex.

I, too, will be praying that there is no explosion in any of your bodily organs. I can't say I'll wish the same for your husband - he'll need at least one nice, um, explosion.

Great protocol, Tertia. We need to find a peer-reviewed scientific journal that will publish it.

I'm so glad that things are looking up, but like Julia, I'm hoping that they don't go *too* up.

Yeah, not too up. I'm still reeling from my ER of 35 eggs...sigh...took a lot (literally) out a me.

Ah, the Schizophrenic Responders Protocol. Sounds heavenly. I'm going to request this protocol for my next cycle. (do you think it would be okay to use cabernet instead of chardonnay?)

Glad to hear things are looking up!

Well, I'm glad those follicles suddenly decided to show their faces and join the party. And I like your protocol. A lot. I want to do it tonight, but I'm still in the 2 ww and can't until Tuesday night when I get the negative. But I'll be ready. I might feed myself margaritas intravaneously.

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